Sunday, April 26, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 375.8 (running: 265; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $34.27

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 375.8 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1)  Elly: 74.8 Total: 726.1

When I say my day is so much better if I start it off with a run, I totally mean it. I actually tried to resist this notion when it was becoming more and more clear a couple of years ago, but I'm to the point I know I can't beat it, so I'll join it. I do not know why this is so, but I have enough evidence of my morning experiences to know it's just true.

Perhaps it's as simple as the run shakes out any potential morning crankies. And, not being a morning person, I am prone to have them. If I haven't run, my patience level is down, and my quick problem solving skills aren't quite as quick. But, if I have, I can hit the door afterward ready to take on or deal with anything.

This now-accepted-truth was displayed again today versus yesterday. And, given that fact (and the unfortunate fact that Pit Crew #2 was the recipient of my didn't-run morning mood yesterday), I not only knew I was running today without question, but I also knew I was taking PC#2 with me. We have found definite bonding in our runs on many levels, so, it just made sense we'd have a do-over with not only my personal key to morning success but also doing something we inherently enjoy doing together.

On a really chilly, drizzling morning, she and I covered 4.3 miles, found a collective 27 cents, answered some of life's questions, and (my favorite) had a moment where we were laughing so hard we had to completely stop.

I win.
By the way, the girl hasn't gone out running for at least a week and just cranked out those miles. On the flip side, my hair looked better after I ran than when we headed out. There's your meaningless morning trivia.

Well, it appears my training schedule for my upcoming Half is going to be about as higgly-piggly as the one leading up to GO! Seeing as that worked, I'm just embracing it! To that end, the next couple of days have running on the docket, so I'll check in tomorrow after starting off the week doing just that! Enjoy the rest of weekend in the meantime!

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