Friday, April 24, 2015

Get Over It and Get On With It

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 371.5 (running: 260.7; walking: 17; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $34.00

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 371.5 Aaron: 275.5 (b: 251.4; w: 24.1)  Elly: 74.8 Total: 721.8

We'll start off with this:
Here is the line of thought that dominated today's run: You know how people can sue others for emotional distress? Okay, so along that line but opposite, there should be a fine imposed on those who cause distress to themselves. You know, self-created drama, that kind of thing. Perhaps that would ward off all of those totally useless, unproductive and often-annoying-to-others thoughts. Then we could spend all of our mental energy merely recognizing (instead of giving in) to thoughts of negativity, then use our time and resources to solve the problem. Or, at least, make the best of the situation.

It's just a thought.

I used my don't-really-want-another-law-dictating-my-behavior-anyway pretend line of thinking to keep away the many, many thoughts I had about jumping into the middle of another training schedule. It's funny how I worked really hard to figure out how to earn the Go Girl medal, even though my schedule prevents me from attending the actual event, only to turn around the very next day and think, "What have I done?" And, I had no one to blame but myself! Drat!!

I had to remember that I've had those exact feelings for the past two years when doing a Half in April then turning it around for May. And, three years ago, I wanted to turn it around, but I wasn't able. So, puh-leez, why was I being such a baby?

It was morning. I'm not a morning person. We'll go with that.

In all disclosure, in the past two years, it did take me two full weeks to come around to the idea of running the Half and thinking it was a decent idea. So, I figured if I got through this morning's 9 miles in any kind of shape (read: standing upright), then I'd be fine.

On this brisk, windy (eww) morning, I entertained myself along the way by soaking in the surroundings:
Umm ... while it wasn't supposed to rain, this was a wee bit
alarming. It reminded me of that Go Girl run two years ago
when I saw such a sky and thought, "Nahh ..." only to have
the lightening begin ...
Check this little guy out!!!!
There was a groundhog that hung outside Aaron's and my
first apartment. He visited daily. We named him
Mr. Groundhog. True story.
That's just peaceful. I love this spot.
So, how'd the run actually go? To my genuine surprise, it went really well. My finish time told me things went better they it often felt, but I also knew it was just fine because I was, indeed, completely upright after. That's always a bonus.

And, can I just say that as I've been sitting here writing, I just figured out what I'm calling this upcoming, unconventional Half. Ready? Again, while it's under the Go Girl umbrella, I am calling mine Faux Girl.

TA-DA!!! Hey, it has a better ring to it than when Pit Crew #2 called it Fake Go Girl.

Okay, for real, just having my own name to it totally excited me! That shouldn't surprise anyone; I'm like that.

With that, it's time to settle into the evening!! I'm so happy it's the weekend; I bet I'm in good company there!! Start yours off exactly how you want, and I'll check in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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