Friday, April 17, 2015

This and That

Ahhhhh ... FRIDAY!!! I know I don't have to convince anyone how great it is that it's FRIDAY!! It's been a super-busy week coupled with quite a bit of body recovery, so I'm not only happy for the weekend break but also for my late-night decision to make this a 3-day weekend in the form of no running! I most definitely pushed myself as much as my body could take this week, and it's very politely telling me to take a break before starting up the new training schedule. I decided to listen instead of pushing. I don't need a muscle rebellion, and I am ready to embrace a stretch of rest!!

That is, if you call cleaning the house restful ...
Not restful, but, oh my how very necessary! I do so love
rediscovering the color of our furniture ...
I was able to accomplish a ton of this-and-that things (you know, all of those little "I'll get to that later" piles that stick around the house ... including unpacking the bag-o-goods from the Expo last week. Yeah, still hadn't done that! I even forgot I'd bought a sweet, new wicking headband!
It has all sorts of stuff written around it, and there's hardly a chance of anyone ever reading it when squished on my sweaty brow. But, I liked it. And, that I forgot I'd even bought it is a clear indication of how this week was!

Anyway, I decided today was for cleaning and regrouping and reorganizing which included finally getting a little container for our nutritional yeast addition ...
I found this lovely piece in a hardware store. Yes, yes ... a hardware store. I really shouldn't be that surprised, though, seeing as one of my very favorite picture frames came from a clothing store ...

In our recent food overhaul, I learned about some benefits of adding nutritional yeast to your food. Most notably (this is from my brain of what I remember reading, so do your due diligence if you want to find out the more scientific chiz ...), it can help maintain a healthy metabolic rate and is really good to help keep blood sugar levels chilled out (see why you should check out the info for yourself? This is simply how I remember stuff.). It tastes delish ... kind of nutty, kind of cheesy. Pit Crew #2 and I routinely put it on eggs, so a container from which we could spoon and sprinkle became very necessary. You can also put it in a shaker, but I found the flakes just big enough that I shook my arm off to get just a smattering, and that's after Aaron drilled the holes bigger than they came! So, I landed this awesome little crock for the nutritional yeast, and into the bigger-holed shaker went my chia seeds!
This was yet another kitchen problem solved, by the way, because I was having trouble using the scoop that comes with the chia to sprinkle the seeds on eggs or salad. No matter how hard I tried, they just slid on out of it with a thump and one, big pile. The reassigned shaker took care of that. BAM.

For sure, it's the little things!

Not so little is looking ahead to 2 more days of down time!! I almost can't believe it's true as our family calendar matches the running calendar ... there's nothin'!! I'll savor it while it's here! Enjoy every part of your weekend while I take mine off entirely!! I'll see you again on Monday ...!!

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