Monday, November 17, 2014

Worth It

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 182 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 912.7 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 354.5 Money Found For Food Bank: $60.33
Good Monday morning to you!! Has your Monday gone the way you thought it would? Yeah, mine, either!! But, the fact that I'm healthy and able to manage it and enjoy each moment for the surprises they bring has not escaped me. I'm thankful for the problems I have because they're not problems.
I am also thrilled to report that I found $1-worth of coins this morning (3 quarters in 3 separate locations ... how's that possible?!) sending the Food Bank total over the $60 mark!! As of right now, the money-found-running fund will go toward more than 900 pounds of food for those who need it!! That is humbling to say the least.
Every run is worth it (whatever "it" means that day), but it's even better when it can benefit something beyond what I get out of it. That also makes runs like this morning's more than worth it because it. was. cold. Did I say 'cold'? I meant so cold, especially due to the wind, that the tips of my gloved fingers were numb by the end. It was either 22, 20 or 19 degrees out, depending on which temperature gage you used, but I seem to recall hearing on TV before heading out that the wind chill brought the air down to feeling like it was 7 degrees. It seems something inside my brain pushed that little fact away before letting it sink in. I call that self protection from feeling like an idiot for going out anyway.
By the way, if you want to cruise a run faster than you ever really thought you could, run when it's 22, 20 or 19 but feels-like-7 degrees.
Check it out; there was a bunch of ice! (duh)
I kept reminding myself to watch for random ice patches on every sidewalk, street crossing and parking lot. How I looked for money and ice and didn't even slip much less fall, I'll never know.
The wind picked up mid-way through the run as snowflakes started to fall. I didn't like the wind, but I always like when there's at least enough snow to drift around on the streets. It reminds me of those desktop sand windows. You know, the oval ones that had white and blue sand in them. We had one in our third grade classroom. It sat on the heater in front of the window which is where my desk was except for when my desk was being pulled up by the teacher's desk because I was talking too much. Of course, then I just started talking to the teacher making moving me a regrettable move on her part.
Anyway, I was greatly satisfied all the way around with my run, but I was compelled to take Elly out for a whirl when I got home. I would have taken her two miles, but it was just way too cold for me, so, we went one. She was just happy to get out and about, so it was winning to her no matter what!
"Is there a difference between two miles and one mile? I mean,
don't we just go until we don't go anymore? That's what I do."
It was during this particular mile that I found the penny rounding the finds for today to the full dollar. It was under the front of a parked truck but an easier grab than an earlier penny I found where I had to shut my eye to keep an evergreen bush from poking it out. True story.
I was done by the time I got back with Elly. The stop then the restart was hard on the ol' body's ability to temperature control, and I was freezing. So, after a nice, warm shower and a cold Diet Coke (yeah, I heard what I just said), I'm almost back to thawed!!
Rest Day for tomorrow is perfectly timed as it's forecast to be 9 degrees overnight!! YOW!!! The rest of the week looks more promising in terms of temperature, so I'll keep on running, but I'm not sorry to have other things scheduled for tomorrow!! Stay warm where you are, and I'll check back in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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