Monday, November 24, 2014

I Think I've Been Had ...

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 186 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 930.5 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 358.8 Money Found For Food Bank: $62.26

We started plucking the turkey last
night ... no countdown involved, just
tasty feather eating!
Helllllloooooooo MONDAY!!! Not only is it Monday, but it's the Monday before Thanksgiving!! YAHOO!!! Growing up, Christmas was my favorite holiday (duh), but, as an adult, Thanksgiving is my favorite!! For us, we're pretty short on the hustle and bustle and very long in the chillin' and playing, so the whole focus is on how awesome everything is! SWEET!!

We have to get to Thursday first, though! And, to kick off the week, I headed out for a run. It was super-windy making the 32 degree temperature feel not-so-much like 32, but it worked. I ran my route, found money, said hello to people who did or did not say hello back ... you know, typical run.

But, that's not the real story of the day. Rather, it's this: You know how I mentioned yesterday that Elly seems to have pulled a chest muscle or something else that is making it difficult for her to bend her head all the way to the floor (hence, the makeshift dish lifts for her food and water)? Well, after a day of feeling really sorry for her, by last night, I began to think I'm being had. Check this out:
Yes, she is doing exactly what it looks like she's doing. She licks the carpet all the time. We really don't know why. I also don't know why she couldn't get her head down to eat, but she had no problem reaching the floor to lick ...
Oh, yes, it went on for a while ...
Interesting how she was so fixated on making sure there was nothing -- or, something?! -- to lick under the blanket that her injury did not deter her!
That she had trouble getting to her food in the morning was totally legit as I watched the whole thing including how she was trying to spread her front legs apart to the point that her head would lower. But, the carpet-licking-capades in the evening were inexplicable, so I spent the rest of the night calling her a big faker.

She's better but not good yet today, by the way. If this is what she did to herself a few years ago, it'll take a handful of weeks to heal. That or she's doing an awesome job pretending so she doesn't have to exercise ...

Okay. Tomorrow. I'm going to give a spin to 3 miles as one last hurrah before donating the stash of cash in the evening, so that's the plan there! This week is full of really good stuff, so stay tuned to see what unfolds!! We'll start with checking in after the morning run ...!

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