Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Simple Sunday

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Days Run: 173 Nancy's 2014 Mileage: 870 Elly's 2014 Mileage: 351.3 Money Found For Food Bank: $55.70

I woke up this morning, and my clock read 6:20 a.m. I was very 'eh' about it. Then, I rolled over and saw Aaron's clock displaying 5:20 a.m. It took me a few seconds, but it all sank in in one luxurious feeling moment!! Ahhhh ... back to sleep for me!! Later, after feeling like I'd just cheated the system and stole myself some time, I was actually totally ready to get up and run!

This morning's 43 degrees wasn't as cold as Friday's 46. (Wind. Just sayin'.) It was a great temperature to keep me energized. I think I needed that this morning especially when, even though I loved that extra hour of sleep, it was actually full of nightmares, so I was ready to do something else by the time I woke up. Evidently, my mind was racing and I had some things to process making my mental run feel a thousand miles away. That's not always a bad thing, though, because being that distracted tends to make the miles tick off quickly.

It was a gray morning, too, which is never a great backdrop for sight seeing. I kept my eyes to ground for the most part, anyway, keeping the breeze from drying out my eyes. I'm sure you thought I was going to say that I was looking down for money, which I instinctively do, but I don't enjoy the sensation of a cold wind drying out my contacts, so there was actually an eyeball strategy today! Down on the ground were not only a smattering of coins along the route but also plenty of evidence of recent trick-or-treating.
Am I the only one who gave my family the heads up that Santa might fill their stockings with candy in out-of-season wrappers because the elves are clever and thrifty in their post-Halloween sales?

Am I the only one who sees that this is a complete bar sticking out of that wrapper because I'm betting the intended eater opened it and was all Oh hell no to the orange/white chocolate concoction when expecting milk chocolate? Seriously, stop fixing what ain't broke!

Yes, yes, my runs are quite eventful.

I did find a total of 43 cents and 2 BBs, though, and most of the traffic signals went my way (aka: didn't make me wait too long). All of those things are good. Besides, running isn't about being eventful or even exciting. It's simply about the doing and feeling good about having done so.

And, on most weekends, it's about meeting up with your favorite pal who brought you a bagel!
Monday is normally a Rest Day, but I need to swap some things around this week! There's rain in the forecast, so who knows where it'll happen, but I'll check in after! Wrap up your weekend just the way you want it, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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