Thursday, November 1, 2012

Great Night, Great Morning!

Happy November!!! (Hey, November ... where'd you come from?!?!)

Like everyone else, some of my days are more packed than others. And, some of those you actually know are coming, so you can plan. I love when I can plan! Today was one of those for me, so while my run was still my morning priority, I did need to leave the pokey-sniff-hound behind so I could keep on with the day. She didn't like that very much.

While Elly stayed home and sulked, I went out and about, found seven cents (yahoo! ), and wondered why-oh-why my legs felt as though today should be a Rest Day ... I was more tight than I expected, and it wasn't just because I didn't stretch. It was weird.

But, then it hit me. It wasn't that it was a Rest Day, and it wasn't because I whiffed my turn-around point yesterday and ran an extra mile. It's because last night was Trick-or-Treat time!! It's not so much that we walked far, but we most definitely walked with a purpose!

Oh, yes ... I said we:
It was a beautiful night! Perfect Trick-or-Treating weather! We had a blast! And, we scored big time ... there is a house where a full-sized Reece's Peanut Butter Cup package is given out every year. It has become a traditional picture, and we added to the history last night:
And, check it out ... even Aaron and I got one from them!! In fact, he and I came home with quite a haul ourselves from people who thought the ensemble was not only fabulous but deserving of almost-equal candy distribution! There were a handful of houses where the resident didn't quite know what to do with us (me and Aaron): Do I give them candy? Should I give them candy? I don't want to give them candy. They're not getting any candy! They're totally getting candy! It was like a sociological study. It was fabulous. And, we got lots of candy!

What does this have to do with running? To the untrained eye, it probably seems like nothing. (In fact, it probably seems like it's an anti-running entry ... it being candy day and all.). But, for me, it has everything to do with my morning run. You see, when I have an evening full of fun with my family, I am totally energized the next morning to go out there and take on what the run has to give me. Seriously. A great night can make all the difference in the world in the morning.

I sometimes talk about having a great run because all systems fired well; my biggest system is emotional. So, if things are on kilter or, even better, feeling fabulous, I'm almost certain to have a great run by my definition.

So, given last night's festivities, you know I had a great run today! Thanks, family!!

Okay, now this really has nothing to do with running at all, but I did want to reveal the pumpkins:
Some years we make three, others, we make four. It kind of
depends on my mood and if I'd rather create or assist. This year,
I went for the assist!
I'm not sure what I'm doing with tomorrow ... I have a little schedule jumble to figure out, so I may or may not use tomorrow to run to lighten a different day. I appreciate the non-training times to I can shuffle the schedule every now and then when needed (or, in truth, wanted). So, I'll still get in the miles I want, I just have to figure out which days to use. So, while I figure that out, you enjoy whatever you're doing, and I'll see you from somewhere tomorrow!

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