Today's moment of excitement came toward the end when we were crossing a store's entrance/exit, and a car came screaming up to where one normally slows down to see if it's safe to slip into the traffic flow. Elly and I saw the car in just enough time to safely stop (which is exactly what we do at that point on the route). The driver of the car looked at us very calm, cool and collected like, "What up, I was totally stopping." At least he was driving where one would expect unlike
yard van. And, at least both stories had good endings.
But, let's back it up to the beginning because it was a run full of excitment for Elly. Here's a quiz for you. Seeing what was in one of the following pictures totally took Elly back. Which one is it?
Choice A:
Was it the Cujo twins (even though Cujo wasn't a German
Shephard, it was the only name going through my mind here)? |
Choice B:
Was it the kitty lurking under the tree all stealth-like? |
Or, Choice C:
It couldn't have been Scoob, could it? |
I'm certain you answered correctly. It was, indeed, Choice C. She was sniffing along minding her own business when her head jerked up and she skidoo-ed to the side! I love when that happens over something like an inflatable yard decoration. It happens every year starting around Halloween; never gets old.
I also love that those home owners have a Beware of Dog sign in their door given their decor. Just sayin'.
It wasn't long after the tour through wild kindgom came to an end that I spied this:
I caught a last-minute glimpse of it compliments of the perfect
reflection from the sun. Excellent how that works. |
I heard someone say on the
Today show this morning that the chances of winning the $500 million lottery tonight has similar odds to lining up pennies from something like California to Michigan then going along that line and picking up and flipping over the singular penny in the line marked with an X. Not only was this penny not in such a line, but there was also no X on it. The Food Bank will still like it, though, so there you go. Winnings.
By the way, did I mention it was quite cold this morning?
That's okay, though, because I had myself a warm puppy ...
Tomorrow's another day to get out there and get it done! Until then, enjoy your evening! I know I will because it's
Survivor night ... which has nothing to do with running but everything to do with awesome!! Wahoo!!
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