Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Elly: Tough Girl

The day following an election -- particularly a Presidential election -- can fill a brain to the rim with thoughts! With years of build-up for that one day and the implications that one day has for the next four years, well, that's a lot of thinking to do!

So, what a good day for a run to be scheduled for Nancy! The weather was lovely even though I dressed too warm for it (Yes, you can dress too warm for 45 degrees. Totally.). Elly was most uncooperative in terms of just going ... unless you count the multitude of just-going-potty moments. She was cooperative, though, in finding places to go right by trash cans just when I needed them. You know. For waste disposal. Twice. Good girl.
She was not cooperative for a pic, but I kept this one anyway
because her eyebrows look cool. That's not something you
often say about a dog, but it's just true. Check 'em out.
Elly was having a crazy good time today. She wanted to be all over the place, but she's very leash compliant, especially when reminded, so it wasn't a big deal. Her issue? Well, it's only a guess, but given the slew of road kill on the longest stretch of my run, I'd say the animal kingdom was out kickin' it all over last night. Some of them had a bit too much reckless abandon going on, and they met their demises with a resounding thud.

Now, here's something you don't know about Elly: Unflattened road kill startles her. First, she's not really paying forward attention in the first place (hey, just like her mama!! Only, I'm looking for pennies ... she's smelling gross things.). So, when she stumbles upon a reasonably in-tact animal, even one that's not moving a muscle, well, she jumps sideways. It's pretty funny. Her face is like, "Oh, crap ! Oh, wait. Nothing happened. Something was there coming at me, I swear. Oh well, onward !"

Even funnier is when she thought this was yet another critter:
While I, of course, missed capturing her moment of realization
that something in her path was gonna get her, here she is
considering investigating it ...
... and, working to intimidate it. Look how
ruffed up she is! She's mighty tough.
To be honest, that was the biggest excitement of the run. That and just accomplishing it. We went for five today, and it turned out great. Two fives a week feels like just the right challenge to take on. Not too much, not too little. For right now, it's just right. That leaves one more weekly run to go short (good for the recoup) and the weekend to do with what I want, short or long. Excellent!

I'll see how this new schedule progresses. In the meantime, I was so glad to see what I saw right at the end of my run. And, I do mean end ... within the last steps. Score!
We're almost to $7!! C'mon loose change, let's get there before
Tomorrow's run is moved to Friday as the ol' calendar gets new things scheduled! Be careful of the active critters out there, and I'll see you on Rest Day!

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