Friday, November 2, 2012

I See Your Saturday, and I Raise You a Friday

Before we even get to today's story, check out how the day began!
Just a few minutes later, it looked like this!

I think these views are going to start being reserved for weekends after the time change on Sunday, so that'll be something that entices me out of bed on those cold, weekend mornings! I'm glad to have already seen so many this year; who knew getting up earlier would have such a pretty payoff?!
In my current schedule-shuffle round, I decided it was best to run today instead of tomorrow (and better Sunday instead of Monday ... let's see if I can keep that straight!), so I got dressed in my running clothes before really thinking about it and second-guessing myself. I don't tend to make logical decisions first thing in the morning, so I knew sticking to the plan I made last night was best!

I had a quick errand to take care of before I ran this morning, so my plan was to take care of that business, come home, get Elly and set sail. I even told her when I was leaving that I'd be back for her, and then we could go. However, on my way back home, something glinted in the sun as I was turning onto a new road. And, I knew: Cha-ching ! (At least, I was reasonably certain.) This was a place I could incorporate into my no-real-plan run this morning, but it was not a stretch where I could safely take Elly. I knew what I had to do: Apparently, that was to sell out the pooch.

I came home and broke the news to her that I lied.
"You lied?!?!?! What's a lie?"
Actually, when you think about it, I didn't really lie. But, I did break my promise to her.
"You broke your promise?!?!? You seem bothered by that, so
I guess I should be, too. What's a promise?"
We did some huggin', then I took off. (I have to admit, it's a little sad when I'm heading toward the front door and Elly runs to the window to watch me leave.) I did not decide before heading out how far to go. I knew I'd go at least between 3 and 4 miles by heading toward to promise land of coin. And, on this route, I had multiple opportunities to choose if I wanted to keep going or head back. (That's a great route when you have time and the luxury of decision. That route sucks if you are logging particular lengths because all of the cut-it-here points can taunt you. They're mean like that.) Today's plan: Just Run.

And, run I did. It was great -- in the low 40s which was a bit cold for the shirt I chose, and my right forearm froze again (what's up with that?), but I'll take the 40s over the 90s any day of the week when running. Besides, being cold keeps a bounce in the step! I bounced right on into the second mile and starting to break a sweat when I got closer to The Whole Reason I Left Poor Elly At Home spot. I have to admit my heart raced a bit hoping there really was a payoff, or I would have felt a wee bit guilty having left her behind! (I also noted my internal reaction was a bit ridiculous ... but, I totally had that big anticipation feeling going on!) It's not like I haven't mistaken many things for money ... tar, broken glass, gum, bird poo ... that'd be nice. "Gee, Elly, I thought it was money, but it was poo."

Fortunately, that glint I saw from the car was correct. Times four:
My suspicion that there was money there was accurate, but I
have to admit, I thought I might have seen a quarter. I wasn't
disappointed, though; money is money. And, it wasn't bird poo.
It was like a treasure hunt. They were strewn in a line. That, friends, is fun for me!

Also fun is coming back to the pooch:
"Mommy, you taste yumm-yyyyy!"
After I showered and warmed up my arm, I mapped the run ... 6.3 miles! Yahoo!! That's a great one for the books! The cool thing is that I felt like I could have kept going. I wanted a warm shower (thanks, arm), but I could have gone on. Another day. For now, it's time to give the dog some more lovin' for her understanding! Have a great Friday!! And, I'll see you from the Rest Day switch-a-roo tomorrow!

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