Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Where'd the Voices In My Head Go?

What are we waiting for?!
(By the way, check out the
trees in the back window!)
It's a good thing one of us was all charged up to go this morning; I sure wasn't! I'd blame my lack of early morning motivation it getting chillier, but that would just be a lie because I'm never motivated in the morning to do anything! Today wasn't too cold, though, and with the threat of rain for tomorrow morning (which means I'll find myself doing my run on the Mean Machine), I turned off my internal whine switch and got ready to go!

Today's run was pretty uneventful with the exception of the many, many people getting a kick out of Jacques! A man hosing off a parking lot busted out with a resounding belly laugh when he saw Jacques; making someone laugh that hard was more than worth the price of our new pal!

An uneventful run, by the way, is good. In fact, it's great. I spent the first year of my running efforts with almost every day being an event -- an emotional roller coaster of wondering why I was even trying when I couldn't run "the whole way" and doing a bang-up job of criticizing myself in comparison to others* who seemed to be gliding along the sidewalks. The mental strength of that first year was the real effort ... and the real success. And, frankly, that's still where the majority of my efforts reside: In my head.
* danger! danger! When a comparison is made, someone wins ... and someone loses ...

So, to have a run this morning where I'm not sure I had any thoughts at all about anything is a mental breath of fresh air. Ahhh ...

Oh, wait, I did have two thoughts. Of course I did:
Did the smell from the opossum really go away, or did we just run far enough in the middle of the street to avoid it?
I didn't mention the duo of squirrels who met their unfortunate demise the other day because I stumbled upon them while still recovering from the opossum. This back information leads me to my other thought today: How on earth can those little critters emit what can only be described as a wall of nasal horror?

There is most definitely something you accomplish today that used to be a challenge but is now easier. Give yourself that credit, and enjoy the victory! In the meantime, enjoy my pretty picture of the day! (Pretty pictures beat the tar out of another road kill story.) See you after the a.m. run!

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