Saturday, November 5, 2011

Find Pennies: Avoid Road Kill

The title of today's entry is brought to you by Aaron. Those were his exact words upon giving me a kiss out the door today for my run.

In other appropriate messages, check out my Happy Bunny calendar page for today:
That is a sentiment I feel year round, but now that the temperatures are colder and it's darker in the morning, it's becoming more and more difficult to peel myself out of bed to run especially on the weekend! I know, I know: Boo Hoo. My weekend morning whine tends to be to myself so I can let Aaron sleep longer if possible, though. (It seems I reserve the true whine for when he's alert and can enjoy it.) So, I bundled up, got my instructions (see above), and I headed out!

It was within the first mile that I found treasures to put in my pocket. I'll get to those in a sec (pictures that are obviously out of order annoy the bajeebers out of me). Besides, I have something way better to show you today! Look what mile 5 brought me ... I was motoring along when I looked up and saw this!
Here it is a bit farther back:
I have no words. It was that breathtaking. Wait, I do have words: It made me crave a red popsicle.

So, onward I went (down hill, by the way ... have I mentioned how much I love running down hill?!). I was close to finishing when I arrived at a point that annoys me every time I get to it. It's this spot:
Look close, and you'll see the sidewalk. Look again, and it's missing. Because it's not there. It simply ends. The left edge of the picture is exactly where it picks up again. That's 160 steps from where it ends to where it begins. (Yes, I counted.) I'm thinking the conversation between the project manager and his boss on this assignment should have gone like this:

Boss: Is your project completed?
PM: Yes, it is.
Boss: Are you sure you 'dotted your i's and crossed your t's'?
PM: Of course I did.
Boss: I think not.

Well, even with this mountain-out-of-a-mole-hill I create in my head at this spot, I somehow managed to forge on, and I finished my 6 miles. Actually, I didn't just finish my 6, I rocked them. It was a great run. Some of them just really are.

Okay, as promised, pocket treasures:
Guess which hand has something cool and which has something gross.
On your left, cha-ching! On your right ... what the crap is that?
From a distance, it looked monetary (hey, it was early and still
a little dark ... and I just dodged stepping on some very, very
old road kill. Totally not kidding. That'll rattle a girl.)
I showed the Pit Crew when I got home. Pit Crew #2 said it
looked like gum. Aaron said it looked like poop. I ignored him.
Anyway, we had a winner! Indeed, it was very old gum. (I
wonder which was older ... the gum, or the dead animal ...
Tough call. No need to ponder, both are grody.)
Upon discarding the gum, I got my popsicle!
They're a great way to cool down after a run.
And, whoever invented sugar-free popsicles is
a genius! BUT! Fewer than 5 minutes after this
picture, the combo of cold-air-on-sweat and a
popsicle gave me some serious chills! That's
a bit colder than I really wanted or needed!
It was still yummy.
Tomorrow is Rest Day, so join me for some time in our kitchen as I have a new recipe to try I got from Runner's World magazine! Tomorrow's the New York City Marathon, so we're having a theme dinner! I'll let you in on the specs and, of course, give our verdicts! See you then!

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