Monday, November 7, 2011

See Ya, Mean Machine!

Good Monday morning!!! This rainy day on a Monday did NOT get me down! I begrudgingly set up the mean machine treadmill because it was raining, but I looked again later, and it was just misting!! Yeah!! No mean machine today!! Adios, non friend!!

I got Elly on her leash, and off we went! We left Jacques behind on his post ... it's one thing getting the dog wet; it's entirely another potentially ruining the running pal.

By the way, we got Jacques at Target in the pet costume section ... just after Halloween when everything went on clearance, there were a ton of pet costumes still available, but not the jockeys!! They were nowhere to be found ... they're that cool! He's so cool that a man I routinely see on my runs asked me this morning, "Where's the rider?!" as though the picture is just not complete without him. He's not far from wrong.

Anyway, as expected, I rocked today's run! Why was it expected? I attribute the majority of the success to being well fueled from yesterday! It's not a mystery that poor quality gas in the tank isn't going to get me going very well. And, even if I start out okay, lack of good fuel will bite me later in a run for sure. The lulls will be more difficult to get out of. The energy will be shot before I finish. Finishing will be a relief, not invigorating. The day overall yesterday was a really good one nutritionally, and it paid off today!

There was that, and there was still the overflow of excitement from watching pieces of the New York Marathon. It was seriously cool to me! AND, check it out ... I saw a woman on the Today Show this morning talking to Al outside the studio. She ran in the Marathon. It was her 24th consecutive run. She is 84!! That goes in my arsenal of things to think about on this lifelong quest to keep on keepin' on!!

So, we wrapped up our run, and I wrapped Elly in a warm towel! It never rained, just heavily misted. That's enough to get a dog good and wet!
I think the wet tummy is worth the warm rubdown afterward!
I previously mentioned Elly's running eye boogers. Her eyes,
my nose, both gross. It comes from working hard, though ... if
I rocked the run, so did Elly.
I loved seeing the dropletts on her pretty face!
That's it for Monday! Tune in tomorrow as I have another recipe from Runner's World magazine that I'm inflicting upon the family! I'm stoked ... will report from Rest Day!

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