Thursday, November 10, 2011

Just Get It Done

It's another one of those days where my morning run was delayed for a bit because of another commitment. This is the exact kind of day where it's a little more difficult to get on out there because by the time I'm starting, I would normally have already finished! It's a mental thing to push through, but it has to be done.

All things being different anyway, I chose to run on a street I don't often utilize. I'm so glad I did because look at the fancy fire hydrant I found! I honestly just think this is fabulous. So colorful!! I realize it's just old layers of paint. I still think it's awesome.

About a mile later, I saw the tree; you might remember I mentioned how much I love when there's a little bit of green amidst the Fall colors! This tree totally had it going on! It was easier to see in person, but you get the drift! 

While the sight seeing was fun (and a little necessary to keep my mind off of how cold it was), the wind was wicked and biting my face, so I cruised along as fast as was reasonable to just finish. It was a short enough run to pull that off, so I took full advantage of the opportunity!

The cold did not deter me from stopping and getting a Diet Coke on the way home, though. The weather and Diet Coke are not mutually exclusive variables. It's ice cold, and it's delicious!

I did come home to a warm puppy, though. She's not thrilled that she didn't get to go with me today. Fortunately for me, she's very forgiving. See you on tomorrow's Rest Day!! I have some kitchen tid bits to share! WooHoo!! Rest up for a long run on Saturday!

Oh, mommy, you can do no wrong ... except for making me sit out here in the cold! Let's go in!

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