Monday, October 10, 2011

You Don't Have To Tell Me Three Times ...

I remember the day I realized Elly not only slowed her pace but when she also started to balk at running longer distances. Before she turned 2, she could go go go go. Somewhere before she turned 3, it was clear she was a short-distance jogger. That made some sense to me because I happened to learn around that same time that Greyhounds usually retire around the age of 2 (woah!). So, if a racing dog is going to retire then, I can't expect my hound to keep on keepin' on for her lifespan. Right?

So, given that, is there a particular reason that Elly proves repeatedly that she can go 3 miles without issue, but I still want to bring her for more? And, by "more" I mean "four"? (Perhaps it's because they rhyme ...) The last time we went four, she trucked along, came home and lost her breakfast all over the kitchen floor. Today, we went a little more than four and had a repeat performance. Okay, okay, I GET IT! Three it shall be! (again with the rhyming ...)
A little lovin' for the one with the upset tummy ... although I think
all of the upset was just cleaned up off the floor, so she's fine now!
The run was good, though! Not only are her nails all trimmed down from the summer growth, but we happened upon some bank! See?!
Nothing like a pavement mani-peti and some cash to boot! By the
way, there are a lot of other things that look like coins but aren't ...
flattened pieces of asphalt - washers - old, flattened gum ...
And, OH HOW WE ARE LOVING the weather!! We love Fall! We love the leaves!! I love seeing Elly in the leaves because I remember the first time I ran with her after they started falling ... they were the awesome crunchy kind like these ...
... and she turned a corner, ran through them up against the curb and scared the bajeebers out of herself! It took her a while to not be startled by a bunch of crunch! She's all good now! With that, we go on with the day! Elly's already napping. Poor girl deserves it!

1 comment:

  1. Poor Belly. Will have to give her some hugs when I get home
