Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Recovery Going Fine

The forecast today called for rain which, as you know, doesn't excite me because I don't run in the rain unless I'm caught in it. In three years, I've only been caught once if that tells you how much I watch out for it. Wet shoes and wet socks is a recipe for foot disaster (not to mention mood depletion). It wasn't raining when I left this morning, so onward we went!

This was a run to shake out Monday's adventure that left my calves so tight by last night that I was walking around like I was 9 months pregnant (no lie ... had the slow-groove waddle going on). I got some calf TLC from Aaron last night to help loosen them (I'm so very fortunate to have a Pit Crew!), and that helped considerably.

As predicted, I was feeling just fine by the end of the first mile. As I could have also predicted, immediately upon stopping, one of them tightened up again, but that's normal, I've been through it, and as long as I'm smart for the next few days, it'll work itself out without real issue. Stairs are the biggest culprits with regard to healing ... darn, no doing laundry for a day or two ...

So, without having to think much about my legs, I, instead, spent the majority of today's run trying to remember the second of only two items I needed to pick up on the way home from Wal-Mart. Seriously ... two things, and I could only remember one. What better way to use my time than to try and remember the other?! If you ever want to completely distract yourself while exercising, just try to remember something you've forgotten.

My distracted brain did not interfere with my eye for finding treasure, though! Nope, not a penny today (I found that at Wal-Mart later!):
I cannot get enough of Fall leaves!! Orange and bright red are my
favorites ... especially orange when it's in-your-face ORANGE.
I found this little nugget on the sidewalk and brought it home.
Oh! Soon after finding this leaf, Elly, Jacques and I were stopped at a red light. A man in a car rolled down his window and was laughing when he told me how much he liked the jockey on my dog. He went on to ask me the jockey's name (I loved that he assumed he had a name!) and just belly-laughed at the whole scene. It was great! (And, it was so much less creepy than last year at the same intersection where a dude rolled down his window and strongly professed he was "no pervert" before repeatedly asking me for my name. Eww.)

The run soon came to an end, and just in time! Look!
Yup! Those are raindrops on the windshield! We literally got in
the car, closed the doors, and the drops began! And, it's not just
rain, it's a cold rain. No one wants to be out in that in a t-shirt
and shorty pants!
So, we're back at it, the minor issues are healing, and we'll carry on. We're back at it tomorrow! In the meantime, here's my pretty pic of the day:
Enjoy your day! And, remember, if you find yourself needing to take your mind off of whatever you're doing, just try to remember that last item on your shopping list ...

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