Thursday, October 27, 2011

I'm Intrigued

I won't lie, I was oh-so tempted to blow off running this morning. I wasn't even cranky about it, I just wanted to get on with my day! Things to do! People to see! And, a run (plus the quite necessary shower) was just going to delay my day. But, too bad! It was a running day, and I was sticking to it! So, off I went!

It was a great morning for it, too ... nice and chilly! And, even though it took no time at all to work up a good sweat (which means I'm super-chilly when I stop moving), it was a lovely morning to get out and go. And, bonus, I'm two cents richer for doing so!
I know, I know ... nicely focused, isn't it? I was walking and clicking ...
seems that wasn't the best plan. I shall now take my two pennies and buy
myself a clue ...
It was cool finding these little gems because one was a good 6 feet off the path I was running, and the other was an easy 10 feet ahead of me and to the side. I think I have a sensor or something ... Okay, while I don't have that, I DO have a great, deep pocket in these running pants. It's so deep that I may pick up something big just to put in it. That just sounds fun.

In the meantime, here was my real issue of the day ... On Monday, I saw this wrapper at an intersection ...
... But, I took this picture today. Today. Four days later. And, not just four days later ... we've had plenty of wind (like, big wind) and we've had rain. This is also on the sidewalk of one of our busiest streets -- plenty of cars and trucks zooming by! I saw it and thought it must be stuck to the sidewalk to have been here for so long. Nope! I barely touched it with my shoe while waiting for the light to change, and it freely moved.

I pondered this little wrapper for the majority of my run. How is it staying there?! In fact, I found myself running faster to get back to that spot to see if my kicking it actually unstuck the one, random fiber that I reasoned must have been holding it to the sidewalk. Without such a fiber, how in the world has it stayed put through the week's weather?!

I returned, and it was still there. Now, that's picture-worthy. That wrapper has some tenacity if I ever saw. You'd think I would have picked it up to throw away. Instead, I left it to see if it's going to be there the next time I take that route. It'll be a few days, so I'm intrigued ...

I could not care less where it is tomorrow, though, as tomorrow is REST DAY!! Rest Day: Fabulous!

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