Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Because I Said I Would

... chalk that up to the only reason I went out to run today. The singular driving force for today's run is because I committed to the schedule. I grumbled, and I cursed that schedule, but I stuck to it.

And, my feelings showed. Worst run in a very long time. I can't qualify nor quantify it, and that doesn't really matter. It just was. I just wasn't feeling it. But, I went anyway because it's the commitment I made to myself.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for making me actually do the things I said I would do even when I didn't feel like it, and then go on to do those things to the best of my ability. Thank you for requiring of me my very best efforts on school assignments when I struggled. Thank you for making me redo my lidded clay structure after it fell apart and I had the option from my teacher to not do it again. Thank you for making me dig deep, quit whining and give it everything I have no matter what. It is from that place in me -- that you instilled in the first place -- that I pulled out this run today. Yes, I am the one who did it, but I had to be taught a long time ago how to make that happen.

Ta- and Da!

When we were finished with our outing, I noticed that Elly and I can be peas in a pod ... as I often have runny-nose-syndrome from running (no matter the weather, so it's kinda gross ...), I saw that she has runny eye boogers:
Look close! Or, don't ...
They go away when she sticks her head out of the car window for a bit. I don't think that would work for my issues ...

Have a great one today whatever you are doing, and if the going gets tough, remember how many times you've succeeded in the past when you didn't think you could or just didn't feel like it! I bet you have your own clay project story!! I still have it, by the way --

My 11th grade masterpiece! Until tomorrow after a hopefully better run!

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