Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Look Back

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 1016.2 (running: 827.1; walking: 44.3; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $13.71
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 1016.2 Aaron: 766.4 (b: 674.6; w: 91.8)  Elly: 305.8 Total: 2088.4

Total miles in motion (run, walk, bike): 1016.2 (Goal: 1,000)
Total miles run: 827.1 (Goal: 900)
Likelihood of setting a running goal for 2016: 50/50
Likelihood of continuing regular running in 2016: 100%
Best run look of the year: This one -->
Money found and donated at Thanksgiving to Food Bank: $98.78
Money found since Thanksgiving donation day: $13.71
Most money found on a run: $3.17
Most intriguing find on a run:
I have no words. Or use.
Number of runs accomplished: 8 -- four 10Ks; two 5Ks and two Half Marathons
Number of runs accomplished that were virtual: 7 -- this virtual running thing rocks
Best virtual bling: There were so many good choices, but I landed on this lady:
"Oh darling, just run." she says.
Worst run: Yesterday's outing with Pit Crew #2. Nothing like a slick surface to keep you from getting any kind of speed going whatsoever. aka: Nothing like finishing and feeling like you never started.
Biggest running obstacle: Running with Pit Crew #3 because of the degree and frequency he makes me laugh.
Biggest personal accomplishment over which I had some semblance of control: April's Go STL Half Marathon where I PR'ed. That was sweet.
Biggest accomplishment over which I feel I had little or no control: Not falling down even once. BAM!
Best think-out-of-the-box moment: May's Go Girl Half Marathon that I completed on my own since I registered for the official run then made unchangeable plans on top of it. I had to come up with another plan; I was not going to be denied that medal the size of a dessert plate! 
Biggest running annoyance: Is there really a competition here? It's the shoes and how my toe likes to pop through most of the current models.
Best money found on a run: All of it. Wait ... the $5 bill ... wait ... all of it.
Best score at the Expo: The "World's Okayest Runner" sign. That's the best!!
Most concerning running moment: Encountering this family of geese -- 
Ever wonder just how territorial geese can get when protecting
their babies? No need to wonder ...
Most loyal running partners: Pit Crew #2 and Elly.
Best dressed runners: I think the winners are clear.
As you well know, running can be something of a pain. But, most of the time, it brings me a lot of joy, a lot of fun and a lot of peace. I'm so very thankful not just for the ability to do it but also for being able to share it with others. Especially with this Crew:
From my Crew to yours, a very Happy New Year!! Here's to more to come in 2016!!

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