Wednesday, December 9, 2015

It's That "I Run Or Someone Gets Punched" Thing

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 970 (running: 786; walking: 39.2; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $4.17
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 970 Aaron: 699.2 (b: 619.6; w: 79.6)  Elly: 278.4 Total: 1947.6

-- 67.4 miles remain in our 2,015 in 2015 Challenge --

You know those days when one little thing goes wrong and you can totally handle it until another little thing goes wrong ... and, then another? And, you know how by the time the pile of things going wrong is finished, it's a mountain that should have been a mole hill, and you feel somewhat defeated before starting to break it down? I'm here to report that -- if you're like me -- when that pile belongs to your child, the pile is no less of a stressor on you. I know there are parents who have mastered the art of not carrying those burdens or growing pains or whatever you want to call them, but I'm not one of them. I'm pretty certain I feel what my kids feel by a multiple of 10.

I'm also not saying I'm doing it right. It's just how I'm doing it no matter what else I try. Last night was one such day of mole hill implosion (when you kid sees the solutions and the adults involved don't, it's even more maddening, just sayin' ...). And, of course, it was night time/after hours and nothing could be addressed until morning.

I hate that feeling.

So, this morning's run was fueled by that kind of aggravated emotion as I sent my wee one off to school to take care of business. Hence, this morning's motto:
As could have been predicted, a lot of my insides settled down after the first mile. I did feel a lot better being out there, and it certainly gave me something productive to do with my time. But, it wasn't my end-all-be-all to solve all that ailed me, and I want to be clear about that as many will taut running or other exercise as "just do this, and you'll be all better." That's totally not true, but I will certainly take a segment of the day as having been relieved as opposed to none of it!

Running can be like when you hear people loved their vacation but weren't too excited to re-enter the world and everyday problems from which they escaped. I remember when that happened in "Party of Five" and Julia and Griffin were having all of these relationship problems, and then they were all, "Let's go on a vacation!" and they had the greatest time, but, all the while, I kept thinking, "They do get they will come home to the same problems, right?" And, as though I'd written the script, they returned home and articulated how they were back to the same old-same old and nothing had been solved simply by leaving. Oh, and they ultimately got divorced. I'm still waiting for my residuals check for my telepathic script contribution.

When our miles were logged, it was back to the day.
I know, I didn't really even get us both in
the frame. But, it was the best I could do.
I'm certainly pleased to report that the current status is that the morning issues were not only addressed but fixed, and the day got reasonably back to normal. That doesn't mean the ride was very fun or, frankly, even necessary. But, at least I had an outlet to use to expend some energy instead of sitting and stewing. Sitting and stewing is never good.

So, here's to hoping for an easier night so as to hit the ground running with no baggage tomorrow! Baggage or not, though, we'll be on our way and will check in after! See you then ...

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