Friday, December 4, 2015

Familiar Sights

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 956.2 (running: 772.2; walking: 39.2; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $2.89
2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 956.2 Aaron: 673.6 (b: 598.6; w: 75)  Elly: 264.6 Total: 1894.4

Helloooooooooooo FRIDAY!! It's been a busy one this week, hasn't it? And, adding to the daily fray is the attempt to keep at bay the frenzy that really ramps up the Christmas season! I pledge to do my best to not get caught in it, and to stay focused on what I need to do today as well as to plan ahead. By and large, I'm pretty good at that. But, being oh-so-human, I get swept away if I'm not paying attention. So, there: I've pledged. Join me!

Speaking of not paying attention, I redid the math and readjusted the Change Hounds progress up there. I don't know how that gets off other than, well, back to that human factor thing. I recently did the same thing in our bank account. But, as with the progress status up there where the error was in our favor, so was the one with the bank account. At least if I'm going to screw up, it tends to ultimately be in my own favor. WHEW!

In other seasonal topics, this is what I saw right before heading out the door for our run:
Okay, what I really saw was the bluebird of happiness in the middle of the floor (remember it?!). I already knew the culprit, but she bolted in all excited to show off her rough-and-tough skills for the camera.

Game on: Bluebird: 0   Daphne: 1

After that nonsense, Elly and I headed on out. We saw started off seeing something we don't normally see in December ...
... as well as something we tend to see on morning runs on a regular basis:
I also saw this while waiting at a stop light:
It's the sun catching some of the bulbs on one of the many 'magic trees' that are around town. Now, while I cannot totally promise to not get caught up in the frenzy of the season at some point, I can absolutely promise I will not take on creating a magic tree. No way, no how. I enjoy seeing them now and then, but I do not have the desire to wind a billion little bulbs around a crap ton of branches. I leave that to the experts and just enjoy their work!

Our run was pretty good although Elly didn't do much about picking up her pace until we were past three miles. I even almost cut a corner to make a 4-mile route instead of 4.6, but I reminded myself that I am not to decide mid-run whether or not I want to shorten it. That, my friends, could start a dangerous trend! So, I went ahead and took the outer loop that provides that 6-tenths. What do you know, but I was rewarded with a quarter in a really random place I would not have otherwise found. I like being rewarded!

That wraps up our Friday outing, and I'm already looking forward to tomorrow when I bring Aaron along with me! That will be a good together time before we launch into a super-packed Saturday! Close down your work week exactly how you want, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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