Sunday, September 6, 2015

Up and At It!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 729.5 (running: 553.1; walking: 31.6; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $61.63

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 729.5 Aaron: 466.3 (b: 413.1; w: 53.2)  Elly: 166.9 Total: 1362.7*

*Average monthly mileage required to hit year-end goal: Whiffed by the end of  August, but completed today. Eh, what's 6 days ...

So, by the time I went to bed Friday night, I didn't even consider running yesterday morning! I was completely whipped, and I knew getting up early to run wasn't going to do anyone any good. My body said, "REST, FOOL!" Who am I to argue?! And, then the entire day was consumed by (a) my newfound, nothing-to-do-with-running project, and (b) getting in the pool time while the pool is still open!, so, here it is a day later than otherwise planned.

And, so it goes ...!

I wasn't really sure what I was going to do with this morning (running vs. sleeping) until I heard Elly bolt out of our room. She's usually down with the morning slumber, but, if the leash comes off the hook, the girl is up and at it! Aaron was all set to take her out, and she got so excited that just the movement of her up-and-bolting woke me up -- which is when I also decided that I needed to get on out there!

It's a good thing there was a lot of good company because the weather was just awful. Very hot, very thick, very gross. Oh, and then there was Aaron who directed the outing to hit a big, long hill before the end of the first mile. It was his idea to go, so I figured I should take his lead instead of insisting on what I would do. I also figured I'd complain about it a little bit and write it off to having been awake for only about 8 minutes. He and I both knew better and that I would have complained no matter what, but he went along with it.

I will note that I am pretty sure his approach to this particular route is probably better than mine. He has a point that it gets the biggest of hills out of the way first instead at the end of the run. If I ever get over the psychological struggle of facing that big hill first, I might just have to reroute myself on a regular basis. We'll see how long that takes.

Everyone was a winner on this outing including our leopard gecko, Winnie, who got the little critter in Aaron's hand when we got back home:
Ohmygosh, how cute is Elly?!?!?!?
Yes, that's a grasshopper. Aaron caught and carried it for the last mile of the route. I guess that actually beats carrying Elly's poo ...

So, there were over-achievers today and those who are slacking a bit. In the over-achieving department, Aaron made up for some lost Change Hound miles by biking 31 miles between yesterday and this morning! WooHoo!! We have completed the August goal! And, in my virtual core challenge, well, I am probably slacking compared to most as I took the entire day off from everything yesterday instead of just from running. But, bite me, challenge, I needed some rest! And, if I do the core challenge even on just the days I run, I'm way, way, way ahead of where I have ever been. So ... there.

And, soon, we keep ourselves in motion by again hitting the pool!! I guess there's some good to this sudden heat after all! Enjoy every part of your Sunday, and I'll be checking in soon!!!

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