Sunday, September 13, 2015

More Than Okay

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 750.5 (running: 573.1; walking: 32.6; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $62.89

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 750.5 Aaron: 477.2 (b: 420.1; w: 57.1)  Elly: 178.2 Total: 1405.9

I cannot get enough of this fabulous weather right now, so, with the knowledge that it's supposed to heat up pretty quickly this week (boo!), I decided to capitalize on what's in front of me going running this morning. Aaron was already on the exercise bike when I had this great idea for him to join me. Fortunately, he readily agreed so I had some company!

Our roll was slow as we not only had Elly with us, but also because Aaron hurt his ankle right at the end of pool season during a game of house-rules basketball. That was totally fine by me; who needs to go fast, anyway? Besides, Aaron and I both embrace the fact that we're 'of the age' that it can take us longer to heal, so why push it and make it worse? He found his pace ceiling, and we had a great time talking and soaking up this weather!! Check out the very happy dog against the uhh-MAY-zing blue sky!!
Elly's sniffer was in overdrive today because when we got home, she picked up on a scent that was hanging around the house. It was this:
The funny thing is I had just noted to Aaron that I hardly saw any bunnies hanging around and/or destroying our gardens this year. I think we now know why! Good kitty ...

As I noted, our outing was pretty slow. It was steady, but it was slow. I'm still in the camp of that being okay!! In fact, it's more than okay. I very recently saw a blog post about someone who "avoids junk miles at all costs." I'm certain our outing would have qualified for the Junk Miles title, but I just can't get behind that concept. I simply cannot find it in myself to judge the degree to which someone is making an effort particularly when their effort isn't affecting nor impacting anyone else in any way. And, I'm certainly not going to pound on myself.

I think what's more important than an outside assessment of someone else's (for instance) 'Junk Miles' is that we are honest with ourselves about our own efforts and what we can expect of them as a result. That's why having goals throughout the year are important to me. Having a 10K goal at the end of the month requires something very different of me for a shorter period of time than does having a Half Marathon staring at me. Changing up my goals allows for all kinds of runs with all kinds of combinations of distances and people (and canines!) joining me. It's nice to have the variety throughout a calendar year.

I admit I didn't start off understanding the ebbs and flows of running. I thought there had to be a certain level that is maintained and that you can't go back and forth. And, that if you did, you were doing something wrong. But, it's because there's an ebb and flow for we non-Olympians, and because I've learned to appreciate all of them for their inherent value, that this gig keeps happening.

With that, I'm off to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day, and I'll be checking in on tomorrow's Rest Day!

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