Saturday, April 2, 2016

Good Part Of the Day

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 274.5 (running: 233; walking: 5.3; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 108.9  Money Found For Food Bank: $45.65

Good stuff from the morning run ...
First and foremost, I have to say I was really, really looking forward to today's run, but it wasn't for any reason you might think. You see, the first day of the month is new contacts day. I'm usually ready for it by about the 29th, but I hold out. If I have a long run within a day of the first, I'll hold off and change them out after that run (sweat and all ... why would I want to start a new pair with a bunch of sweat rolling across them?). Anyway, all of that is to say: Today is THE DAY. Ahhhh ...

It used to be that I had all kinds of mental time to spend on running. I remember thinking about it all.the.time. Although, in hindsight, I believe that came out of concern for my ability and continued motivation rather than pure enjoyment. Now, I enjoy it but don't have time to think about it.

That's not such a bad thing. Not only does that tell me my ability is in check, but that also leaves room for all of the new things that continue to come into my life. From learning a new job to figuring out how to prioritize (or, not) the old to the daily newness of raising incredible teens, my brain isn't just full at the end of the day. Usually, it's fried.

So, I didn't think too long or hard about this morning's 10-miler. That I got it mapped out yesterday afternoon (vs. right before heading to bed) was a huge accomplishment. Then, I moved on with my day.

The run was good. It was a very cool morning, a good route, and I finished up in good time. At least, part of it and no longer holds the brain monopoly it used to!
it's good as compared to any other long run I've done. And, that's all I can really ask of myself these days! To be honest, I love that running is a part of my life, but I really love that it's just a

Pit Crew #2 and I will be out in the morning! I'll check in after ...

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