Sunday, April 3, 2016

Up and At It

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 278.7 (running: 237.2; walking: 5.3; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 108.9  Money Found For Food Bank: $45.90

In today's side note that is only mildly related to the running world in general but is totally connected to my experience ... I got out of bed more ready to go for a run than I expected I would feel. But, someone else wasn't ready to get out of bed at all:
"Only fools are up this early. Now, 'scuse me while I tidy up
a bit before going back to sleep. All the cool kids are doing it."
She was all cozied up to me. Even when the alarm went off, she didn't flinch. I suppose that's because she knew it had nothing to do with her. Anyway, she was so unmotivated to move that I made the bed around her. And, she enjoyed it. That's why she doesn't get to go running with me. (Yeah, that's the reason ...)

I remain amazed that the short run immediately following a double-digit mile run doesn't kill me. I remember the first time I saw it on the training schedule. It was six years ago, and I saw 10 miles for Saturday followed by 4 for Sunday. And, I was all, "Whuuuuuut?!" Anyway, this morning was one such morning for the 4-following-10, and it was a good one.

I wanted Pit Crew #2 to join me, but she and I both forgot she had a morning commitment. So, guess who joined me instead?!
There she is ... too busy to be bothered with a picture!
You guessed it! The sniff hound was thrilled to be inspired off the couch and straight out into a lovely Sunday morning! She wasn't enjoying those flowers as much as she was investigating something making noise among them. It was fine by me because the temperature was great (41 degrees and minimal wind!) and all was clicking along well, so a quick stop didn't hurt.

There was a stretch right by these flowers where the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies permeated the air. For real! It might have been for just a tenth of a mile or so, but I determined within that span that if someone wanted to assure total mind control, then they'd cover the atmosphere with their mind control gas and make it smell like fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. I, for one, had my nose in the air just sucking it in until I could smell it no more. The scent was so strong and thick you could literally taste it. Elly was doing the same thing when she pulled her head out of the flowers. The dichotomy of what I was smelling and what I was doing did not escape me, but they weren't mutually exclusive experiences, either, so, I enjoyed them both!

Elly's finisher's face kind of tells the story, doesn't it?
She rules.

I cannot believe there are only two more short runs this week before the big one this weekend! But, ready or not (and, I'm pretty much as ready as I'm going to be!), it's coming! There are a few things to do between now and then, so I'll be checking in!

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