Friday, April 8, 2016

Almost GO Time

With a day as full and, ultimately, exhausting as yesterday, I was not thrilled to wake up multiple times in the middle of the night. My brain was in high gear reviewing and strategizing and planning-ish the many items on next week's to-do's. The middle of the night doesn't tend to offer much by way of comfort. In fact, knowing I'm missing out on sleep only adds to that this totally sucks feeling.

It's in moments like those right before a big run where I find myself (unfairly) slipping into additional, "Holy crap, how am I EVER going to pull that off in a couple of days?!" thoughts. Like there's something I can do about it in that moment? Like it's reasonable to assess my ability to do anything in the middle of the night? But, we all do it.

My brain gave me a gift in those wee hours, though. As the self-doubt thought of pulling off a Half on Sunday started creeping in, this thought hit me: The beauty of all of this is that, no matter how tired I feel or how otherwise distracted I am, the physical training is complete, and nothing can take that away. Okay, that was actually an immediate relief! For sure, it's very helpful to have the mental game sharp. But, I've completed many runs well half asleep. So, in this case, I can rely on my body and let the rest fall in place. Or, not. Either way, I can still run.
I really hope they don't forget my confetti this time ...
So, there it is. It's just about GO time ... !

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