Friday, October 16, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 837.9 (running: 658; walking: 34.5; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $74.06

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 837.9 Aaron: 536.3 (b: 470.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 222.8 Total: 1597.4

Yahoo for FRIDAY!!!
The Peanuts Gang from today's Facebook post on the Snoopy page has much more get-up-and-go than I'm really feeling, so I thought I'd put them up for some inspiration!

That sentiment is a little misleading, though, in that Elly and I actually ran today! I know, I was surprised myself. I had no plans to run, and I do mean zero. After working yesterday, which followed 4 straight running days, my legs were on fire. I mean to tell you they hurt. So, I was all set to not set the alarm so early and take a real Rest Day today.

But, you know that moment when you wake up anyway and your brain turns on? Yeah, there was no fighting that this morning. I actually got up with a pretty good surge of energy and knew I could run. So, I did. However, I completely admit that by the end of the first mile, I was super-sleepy-tired. My surge had run its course, so Elly and I cruised two solid miles and called it good.

I also ran because my calves were still hurting, and I wanted to loosen them up. That, and I had an opportunity to take a shameless nap. Both activities were good moves. Plus, while out, I got to see seasons converging:
So, two miles isn't the norm, but seeing as I was planning on no miles, it's awesome. In fact, by my math, I think that means it's, like, 200% better than planned. Holy moly, I'm ahead of the game for Friday!!

Actually, run or not, I'm always ahead of the game between my Crew and this girl:
Okay, I'm not running for real tomorrow. I only squeezed this one in during this wonky week because (a) I woke up at a very unplanned time, and (b) Aaron and I took matters into our own hands the other day and removed some of the wonkiness. We will replace some of it with a breakfast date tomorrow. BAM.

I hope every part of your Friday puts things in place to start the perfect weekend! I'll be checking in ...

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