Friday, October 23, 2015

Surprises Around Every Corner

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 856.6 (running: 676.1; walking: 35.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $78.59

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 856.6 Aaron: 556.3 (b: 490.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 230.4 Total: 1643.2

Done and soggy!
It was raining when I got up this morning, but I was determined to go run anyway. It was 60 degrees, and the rain was but a shower. It was a good day to find my hat (which took some time, I must say) and get out there.

Of course, I left Elly at home. After yesterday's near-death experience, I could use a run without the drama. Besides, she's cute and all, but wet dog smell is not awesome. She napped the rainy morning away ...

So, the run was full of surprises, the first of which being wanting to go even in the rain. You might recall there was a very long stretch of time that rain would have kept me inside without question. And, that's okay; I've just come to be fine with it. That, and, for me, any time running outside beats the crap out of indoor exercise <<shutter>>.

The second surprise came in the form of money. I'd already run through my target-rich spot and found very little. Some, but not much. I just wrote today off as a low-money day until I kept finding dimes. Dimes were everywhere! In 5 miles, I found 8 dimes. Three of them were in a row literally right next to each other ... whuuuuut?! I never find that much silver. It was fabulous.

My favorite surprise came in the form of hearing my name being called only to turn and see Aaron! I'd have a picture, but I left my camera behind because of the rain. He happened along today's route (Hey, isn't he supposed to be at work?) heading toward one of the hundred-in-a-city-block's coffee shops, so we sat a bit and chatted. (Seriously. Work ...?!) Mid-run breaks can be brutal when it's hot out because once the body starts to cool down, it's difficult to gear back up! But, when it's 60 and comfy? Bring on the break with my favorite peep!

I did eventually wrap up this run logging 5.2 miles and snagging $1.38 for the Food Bank. That added up to a great Friday!

Tomorrow's a day off for sure, then I'll use Sunday for catch up on the latest info around here if not for a run! I'll wait and see what that day brings! In the meantime, enjoy your jump into the weekend! I'll check in as it's winding down!

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