Friday, October 30, 2015

Always Get Up

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 870 (running: 684.3; walking: 35.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $80.43

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 870 Aaron: 556.3 (b: 490.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 230.4 Total: 1656.6

I'd like to first note the Food Bank total is more than $80. BAM!

Second: Did anyone else run into an unexpected elementary school costume parade in their downtown today, too? Just asking ...
I ran by a shop window this morning that was being decorated for Christmas. I averted my eyes. I will be ready for that on Sunday. I am good with living in the dual decorations for Fall and Christmas once Halloween has passed ...
I was glad to have this catch my eye this morning:
It's just happy and peaceful. I love it.
The 34-degree run was peaceful, too, and not nearly as cold as the temperature indicated it would be! The key to comfort was there was no wind. I can more than ready to soak up cold air so long as there's no wind. When that kicks in, be ready for some complaining. And, feel free to skip those entries because who wants to hear complaining?
WHEW! It's been a week. Strike that: It's been a MONTH. I'm not sure I've been this busy since the kids were wee ones and couldn't do anything for themselves. That was an exhilarating but scary time because I lived every day having to ride on my faith as well as my confidence in myself that I could not only do this, but also do it well. They're turning out better than alright (which is a massive understatement), so I guess it has all worked out thus far.
Through this past month, I find myself with similar "that sounds amazing and exciting" feelings with some potential opportunities I can create. Sure, I'm a bit scared, too, but I think I've been through enough events that are exciting-but-scary that turned out well to have the confidence to handle whatever comes my way, good or bad. My life not being a success-only journey helps build such confidence!
I have been thinking about my possible new venture while out running this week. Ironically, this is the same week I see myself coming up short on my mileage (therefore, not successful in that regard)to the point I'm again not so certain I will hit my year-end goal. But, instead of beating myself up for it, I use my time for better thoughts like brainstorming a new adventure ...
This running gig has been a huge life lesson (or, should I say, lesson upon lesson upon lesson) of challenging myself, taking on something that scares me and going forth regardless of fear or of what seems stacked against me. And, there have certainly been moments where I feel I have failed. But, in the past however-many years, I haven't given up no matter to what degree I have been down. And, isn't that where success ultimately comes from?
I have a lot of thinking and learning to do as I look ahead, and it actually excites me more than it scares me. We'll see where my thoughts take me. And, while have my brain working, it's probably more important than ever to keep running. It's consistent. It's reasonably predictable. And, it's a constant reminder that I can take on something that intimidates me.
Who knew that would come out of pounding some pavement now and then?
Start your weekend off just the way you want, and I'll be checking in!

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