Sunday, October 11, 2015

Run It Out

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 822.7 (running: 643.4; walking: 34.5; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $72.89

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 822.7 Aaron: 536.3 (b: 470.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 216.2 Total: 1575.2

Yesterday was so busy and so full that even Pit Crew #2 had to think long and hard before deciding if she was going to join me for this morning's run. Of course, that came after my own debate about the whole thing! I mentally reviewed my week and realized I actually needed to utilize today to run to optimize the entire week's schedule. It's about to be a funky one, so I need to be really specific with the planning!

That meant a run for me but not for PC#2. She may or may not head out later, but I needed to just get out and move in the morning. I drafted Aaron to go with me, too, but, as we had a wee bit of a time crunch going on, that meant leaving Elly behind even though she was giving both of us this face:
She's begging Aaron there. She'd already tried and heard "Not today" from me, so this was her last-ditch effort, never mind I tend to be the one to make the final call. Good effort, Elly, but it wasn't in the cards for you today ...

Aaron and I got our grooves on in beautiful 56-degree weather. You really can't ask for much more than that kind of temperature! We decided (um, not really) to make it more interesting by having a pretty hefty disagreement right in the middle of it. Disagreements are always awesome, are they not? But, here was the perk I realized was happening: You know how people say that when you're upset (in particular, angry) about something that you should go out for a walk or a run to release some of that energy, calm down and restart? Okay, well, we were already there. It was kind of cool because we'd already built up some momentum just by going. Then, we threw some gas on the fire by having a spat. But, as we were already kind of revved up, the disagreement went on warp speed, and we got to the end before we knew it. In fact, enough had been said so fast that I was silent for a moment (it's true) before I said, "Um, I really don't even know what the problem in anymore." We quickly debriefed and continued on our way.

So, the choices of what happened include I had a memory lapse at the end, we've gotten to where we can unscramble any mess we make faster than we used to (20 years together ought to bring some expertise there, just sayin'), and/or all of those run-the-crap-out-of-your-problematic-emotions suggestions totally work. I vote for the last two of those three options!

It seriously was nice to get everything shaken out in a swift and efficient manner. Speaking for myself, I have to hand quite a bit of that of that credit to the run. Not that I recommend running with your partner then picking a fight.
Finished in tact!
Tomorrow kicks off what is certain to be a seriously topsy-turvy week! It'll be good to start it off with a run! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, and I'll see you after the morning run!

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