Monday, October 19, 2015

Eye On the Prize

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 842.5 (running: 662.6; walking: 34.5; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $75.83

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 842.5 Aaron: 556.3 (b: 490.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 222.8 Total: 1622

And, let's hear it for Monday!! I hope your weekend was exactly the way you wanted it to be! I unapologetically took two full days off from running, and that was just what I needed!! This school year has been on rapid fire from the get-go, and I finally hit my own, personal wall where having two days off from running really didn't feel like two full days. The whole weekend kind of mushed into feeling like one, big day, but it was a perfect opportunity to stop, rest and regroup!

Now, that didn't mean I was bounding out of bed today to get out and run, but, I wasn't dreading it, either! For a Monday, I can't ask for much more than that! I can only remind myself of my plans and trust them seeing as nothing-and-I-do-mean-nothing feels good about getting out of bed while it's still dark!

The run was good and solid thanks to taking the aforementioned rest. I am pleased to report a good run seeing as I also had to brave the elements, namely Wind From the North. Holy moly, every gust was just cold making my shorts and short sleeves regrettable choices. I don't mind being cold, but I still want to be prepared for it! By the end of my four miles, my wrists were stiff from the cold which I discovered any time I waved at cars that let me cross in front of them. Finishing today's run was a relief from the chill more than the run as a whole!

Today's run continues to add to the physical bank while I maintain a solid foundation from which I'll start training toward the end of January for April's Half. Understanding why I continue to go out there keeps me out there; the eye stays on the prize which, as usual for most prizes in life, is off in the distance.

While working toward that moment, I continue to make the most of every run with the little things. For instance, trees that can't decide what color to turn ...
"Am I going to be red, am I going to
throw in some orange, who's to say ..."
... and allowing fun things in the store windows catch my eye:
Who doesn't need to fancy up their
boot tops?
And, the big bonus made up of many little pieces: The Food Bank Fund. As of today, it went over the $75 mark. Were that many people too cold to pick up their cash?? Just wondering ... Regardless, it's going to a good place, and I'm stoked to have the opportunity to find it and relocate it!

Tomorrow's slated for another run! It might be a day for Elly to take a whirl, but we'll see how the morning goes! Make the most of starting your day, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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