Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 864.8 (running: 684.3; walking: 35.7; biking: 144.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $79.96

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 864.8 Aaron: 556.3 (b: 490.6; w: 65.7)  Elly: 230.4 Total: 1651.4

I just received an email where the sender wrote, "I'm like a dog with squirrels" as to why she hadn't yet responded to something I'd sent. I guess, then, she and I are like the start of a pack of dogs because it was the perfect descriptor as to how my brain has felt for weeks! I was getting a bit weary of such a feeling yesterday only to have more items dumped in their for sorting, praying and realigning. It was one of those days where I just had to start laughing and say, "Okay ... so, what else?"
At least I was giggling by the end of the evening even though my brain was on overdrive.
And, my weary brain is exactly why I got up and didn't want to run today. But, I made myself go, and I'm so thankful to have done so. It was exactly what I needed -- to just get out and be in the fresh air. It was cool and drizzly and kind of quiet. It was a much better way to start the day than to immediately shower and jump into the chaos.
Instead, I enjoyed this ...
You see why I started humming, "It's beginning to look a lot
like Christmas ..."
And, remember this tree from last week?
Today, it looks like this:
Yup; same tree!

Ahhhh ... Fall is the ultimate eye candy for me!
Continuing on with my good-thing-it's-planned-or-it-wouldn't-work week, tomorrow I can't run, but, Friday, I can! I have a few things to update and hope to do so tomorrow! As things have been going, though, I can only say we'll see ...!
It's just a season of life where everything is upheaved. By taking time to pray, think and make sure I get in running for the ultimate down time (next to sleeping!), I'll get to the other side with as many peaceful steps in between as possible! May your current path be either (a) under control, or (b) controlled in its chaos, and I'll check I'll be checking in!

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