Saturday, May 16, 2015

Up and At It

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 470.7 (running: 326.4; walking: 20.5; biking: 123.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $38.39

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 470.7 Aaron: 288 (b: 260.4; w: 27.6)  Elly: 90.1 Total: 848.8

Ahh ... Saturday ... It's just a good word. Saturday.

I had every intention of sleeping in a little bit today to kick off a Rest Day. The plan continued that I would run again tomorrow. It seemed a good plan, too, seeing as the weather forecast was for rain this morning, no rain tomorrow morning. But, today, I woke up to a flipped forecast; it wasn't raining, but there was a the 'promise' of it tomorrow ...

Even if it's clear in the morning, it is a guaranteed rest tomorrow. (yay!) So, I got up and at it today while the coast was clear!

As luck would have it, Pit Crew #2 woke up just about the same time as I decided I was definitely running. What better way for her to start her day, before her feet even hit the floor, than to hear me ask if she'd like to join me, amiright? I think that sounds winning every time I do it. Elly also had designs on the morning as she heard the familiar get-ready-to-run scuttle (isn't it funny how getting ready for certain activities actually has a predictable and familiar rattle to it?). She decided she was going, and I decided that was a good idea. I wasn't exactly prepared to run again after yesterday's 12, so I knew our mighty pacer would make this outing go okay!

As it has been showering off and on for a couple of days, there were all sorts of post-rain critters out and about. Why the rain brings on frogs that get hit in the road (sooooo gross) is beyond me, but look what fun things we saw!
Getting out and about with my girl(s) was a great way to kick off the weekend. Elly's pace -- which was crazy slow for the first mile -- allowed for PC#2 and I to talk a whole lot. That's my favorite part of running with her anyway. We didn't solve any world problems or delve into anything very deep, but it was fun to have that concentrated time with her to just gab about such topics as the poor snail Elly kicked after taking its picture (did I mention that?), how gross the frog situation was (hey, I didn't photo them) and other sundry plans for the upcoming Summer. She also made me feel better when I noted a certain, upcoming hill and told her I was totally walking it today to which she responded, without missing a beat, "Fine by me! I was hoping you'd say that!"

When the youth of the day acknowledge something is difficult, it only makes me feel that much better. Just sayin'.

I do love running with my girls:
Whatever the morning weather, I am not going out to run. For real. It's definitely time for a bit of a rest! I have just two more to accomplish before next weekend's 13 miler, so running tomorrow is totally unnecessary (and, likely, not well advised!). Besides, what better day to have a rest than Sunday! I will be checking in, though, with something fun from the kitchen!! Enjoy the rest of your Saturday, and I'll see you tomorrow!

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