Saturday, May 23, 2015

Here's a Story For You

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 498.2 (running: 344.1; walking: 21.3; biking: 132.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $40.15

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 498.2 Aaron: 288.8 (b: 260.4; w: 28.4)  Elly: 90.9 Total: 877.9

As promised to myself for completing the run and to the family for always supporting this crazy effort, we celebrated last night out to dinner!! I still had 2-for-1 coupons for Chipotle from GO! St. Louis. At dinner, the family kept thanking for running for food. YUM.

On our way to the restaurant, we passed this:
I wanted to dive face-first into the fries. Just sayin'.
It reminded me of a story a friend recently told me, and I'm now going to share it with you. So, my friend was at a winery (uh-oh ...) where she spied a pizza just sitting on a table that was not occupied. And, there it sat for two hours until my friend decided she was hungry. She went over to the table where she proceeded to eat a piece of the pizza. A few minutes later, she went for another when she was approached by someone, who had been sitting tables away, saying, "WHY ARE YOU EATING MY PIZZA?!!"

It's at that moment many of us would cower, stumble over our words or otherwise try to make the situation look like something other than what it was. My friend, however, called it for what it really was when she very matter-of-factly said, "Um, it's been sitting there for two hours." Like, duh, at this point, expect it to be gone.

I love when people have the courage of their convictions. For real. Right or wrong about the pizza, makes no difference because my friend just stood there and owned it. Bravo, friend!

While this story had absolutely nothing to do with running, it would not have been shared if not for the fact that I run. You are welcome.

I hope this 3-day weekend is a good one for all! Of course, part of ours was paying our proper respects to the pool opening:
It begins ...!
It hasn't been warm enough to actually warm up the pool, but that didn't stop some of us. I got in so as to play some basketball with Pit Crew #3. Aaron and PC#2 stuck their feet in. Actually, Aaron got in up to his mid-thigh for a split second. We told him that didn't count as getting in, by the way. Anyway, PC#3 was the big get-in winner as he went off the diving board. Actually, I'm not so sure we can call that winning when he did so because he lost a bet.

Running is on the morning agenda with PC#2! So long as there's no rain, we shall run! I'll check in after ...!

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