Sunday, May 3, 2015

All Shook Out

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 402.7 (running: 288.4; walking: 20.5; biking: 93.8) Money Found For Food Bank: $36.05

2,015 in 2015 Change Hounds progress: Nancy: 402.7 Aaron: 279 (b: 251.4; w: 27.6)  Elly: 79.8 Total: 761.5

Pit Crew #2 told me last night that she "most likely, probably" wanted to join me for this morning's run. I knew that meant her heart wanted to go, but her body was tired and didn't want to get up too early to do so. Given how busy everyone has been this past week, I chose not to wake her and went on my own. And, was that because she needed the rest, or was it because I wanted to be by myself while I whined the last of Friday's 11-mile creakies out of my system without an audience? Either way, I think my going solo today worked best for all.

And, I'll just confess, the first mile and a half of this run was painful. That's just how it is for a few days after a longer run, so I wasn't surprised (just whiny). What does always surprise me, though, is by the end of a run like today (the first after a long one), I feel all shook out and back to normal. Given the way I felt getting out of bed, that's not a leap I would have made about how I'd feel. Now, if I'd gone with how I felt this morning, I would not have run at all. I guess there's something to that saying about "The very thing you don't want to do is the very thing you should" or however that goes. Of course, I don't find that universally applicable in life, but it seems to work for this thing we call running.

Does that saying also work the other way around? Like, "I totally want to find and pick up money, but I probably shouldn't do so with reckless abandon because some of the money is nasty."
Nothing a little disinfectant soap won't take care of, right ?!
We'll say the goo on the quarter and the penny was old soda and not speak of it again.

I planned for a Rest Day tomorrow until I remembered I have something on the calendar Tuesday morning (at least it was both on the calendar and I remembered!), so I'll be heading out in the morning. Have a great start to your week, and I'll check in after the morning run!

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