Tuesday, May 12, 2015

I'm Pretty Sure I'd Rather Run a Marathon Right Now

The thought of training for and running a marathon sounds painful to me. More pain than fun. But, I'm reasonably certain I'd rather head out and run the marathon distance, untrained, than to ever take our felines to the vet again.

They're seriously that stupid about it.

A few years ago, Aaron and I made a deal that he had to be there when the cats went because Lizzy (who happens to be 'his' so I totally play that up in the you-have-to category) went so bananas-crazy that she launched into ear-piercing screams, scratched the tech and required the vet to get the gloves. I was almost in tears because it was such an unnerving sight. The cats I brought into our marriage did not act like this at the vet, so I am way out of my realm of whatever would make me comfortable with a demon cat.

So, this morning, I took Elly in for her check-up first. I told the vet and tech, "I bring you the calm before the storm." Elly was easy-easy. The vet even commended her for her continued running which seemed impressive to him given she's 8. Elly was all, "I wish you'd be impressed enough that you take that needle out of my forearm, but, whatever. I'm not one to make waves. You're about to get yours."

And, get it he did. Lizzy lived right on up to our assumptions and gave him the business. Elly and I listened from the waiting room as did the newbie receptionist who noted, "Oh, my ... another upset cat today."

I found out later that Lizzy was cat #2 to pee on the vet before 9:30 a.m.

So ridiculous.

After a bunch of unnecessary trauma, we all made it back home.
Lizzy's right where she belongs. In kitty jail. Daphne is that gray ball back there. Elly is mocking them from the land of the free.

Once they were let out, the cats acted out in their own ways:
I was leaning on the counter waiting for my egg pan to heat
up when Daphne plopped down right at my feet. She does not
tend to do that in the morning. I think she was making sure I
wasn't about to scoop her up and haul her off somewhere again.
In the meantime, Lizzy barricaded the door.
Elly ignored both of them and gnawed on her much-anticipated morning treat:
"Fools. That was a lot of drama for nothing."
Tomorrow morning is certain to be more peaceful. I have a run scheduled, after all. And, I plan to take Elly with me. Everything about that sounds heavenly right now especially as compared to today! Even if I wake up in no mood to go, I know how to push through and go anyway. I'm much more evolved than a cat ... at least certain cats ...

I'll check in after the morning run!

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