Monday, July 8, 2013

Route Perks!

It was warm, it was humid, but we were back at it on this Monday morning!! PC#2 is joining me for almost all of our runs between now and our Virtual Sparkle Cupcake Run on July 27 (that's when we get the fancy-pants cupcakes ... they're yummy but not made with the same kind of love!)! Let's see how it all shook out!

We three girls got ready and headed out for four this morning. The temps were pushing it on taking Elly, but it was still within my defined safe zone for her! She's a good excuse to just trot the first little bit: She has sniffing she wants to do, and I have long-run muscles that are twitching and wondering why we're moving so much! The muscles get a clue somewhere in that first mile, but they appreciate the slow start!

I appreciated that my intended WOD was still there when we got to it:
Recent mowers have plowed some of the
pretties ... but, these were still standing!
And, we found a little friend!
After our site-seeing tour during the first mile, we got down to a little more business for the next couple! I seized the time to teach and/or remind PC#2 about partner running which includes figuring out who's going in front/back when needing to get single file for any reason, what kind of space do we want/need to run side-by-side vs. in a line, etc. These are all things to work out in such a way that we run in a rhythm that doesn't require dicussion: We see, we know, we do. At least, that's how I like to do it, and PC#2 is doing awe-some.

She's also quickly finding out that the things she and I work out together when it's just the two of us need reconsideration when we have Elly. Elly's like bringing along another person because she takes up the space but is so not like bringing along another person because her sniffer seems to be in charge of her brain (can we say sudden, unexpected stops by a dog big enough to pull me back when I keep going because I didn't know she had to stop and investigate?). She's totally worth having along, though!!
"Indeed I am, mommy. Indeed. I. Am. Now, let's find
something else to smell or a new spot to mark! Let's go!"
Once we got our groove totally going (it helps when both Elly and I run and don't stop to do other things!), we had a great little outing. We spent most of the time discussing different ways to decorate her room which we tend to forget to talk about when we're actually in the house near her room, so I'd say this was time well spent on all sorts of levels!

Our chatting was a great distractor for how warm we were getting. Okay, we were actually getting hot. I only hesitate to report it being hot because I know what we could be dealing with. I get it could be a lot worse, and I've totally been through that. But, this morning: Still mighty uncomfortable!! So, when we were held up at a light just after our third mile and saw sprinklers, well ... it just had to be done!
Readyyyy ... off she goes!
I had to wait for them to turn back toward
the sidewalk ...
... totally worth the wait!
Of course, we had to wait for the light to change again (oh, darn, another little break!! Ha!) which is when I said to PC#2, "Do you ever wonder if I ever get any real running done sometimes?" to which she replied, "No, I really only wonder why Elly is so slow." (hee hee) PC#2 hasn't yet embraced that Elly has evolved into the patience coach. I mean, if you're going to be an endurance runner, you have to have patience. If you're going to be a hobbyist in the endurance running world (that would be me), then you really  have to have some patience. Elly is the reason I progressed into my first 10K; hers is a pace I do not question. (insert smiley face here!)

I gave PC#2 reason to question my running focus just after crossing the street, though. First, I got her here with an original Slug Bug smack (um, an original in our home means you're immune from being hit for any further Slug Bugs or PT Cruisers for that leg of the trip ... booyah !!), and because it was there I scored my first of four coins in the next half mile!
Suuu-paaah score ... a dime!!
And, after two pennies, there was a nickel up the road!
I gave PC#2 the poo bag to hold while I retrieved the cash.
She totally appreciated it, too. I pretended to not hear her
say, "Ewwwww" when I handed it to her.
Just a few tenths of a mile later, we finished up!
Elly was having none of turning around.
I kind of liked her spunk in her position.
"That's me, baby. Full of sass and pizzazz!!"
Tomorrow is Tuesday, so you know what that means ... it's Rest Day!!! Yahoo!!! You totally need those thrown into the mix no matter what your distance goals or exercise endeavors! I don't just take 'em, I love 'em!! I'll see you then!

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