Thursday, July 11, 2013

Adding Up and Paying Off!

So, just a bit ago, PC#3 and I played a game of bean bags (like washers, only with bean bags). In the middle of the game, I reflected on how just a couple of years ago, I hardly ever went out and played later in the day after having run in the morning because I was, frankly, either too tired or "resting up" for another run. I put that in quotes because I'm pretty certain on some days that I used that as an excuse to not over-exert myself. I'm just being honest. Honesty isn't always pretty.

Anyway, there I was thinking about how much fun it was to keep playing. And, then I thought about how later today we will be at the pool where I plan to continue my Monkey-In-the-Middle Summer Domination (oh, yes ... still undefeated!). And, all of this lead to my understanding just how far I've come. In other words, the pain perseverance has paid off!

So, take a quick minute for yourself, and reflect on you of last year -- especially when you're in the middle of your next walk-run-bike-dance-whatever workout! Celebrate your steps forward!! Then use that newfound energy to totally school your kid in a game of bean bags !!! Oh ... wait ... That soooo shouldn't be the point of exercise ... should it? HA!

Okay, let's get down to the morning's business because it's the pieces of the daily grind that add up to success!! Here we go!

I was on my own in the people realm for this morning's run, but, the weather was great (that drop in humidity actually showed up!), so Elly was happy to join me! Whee!! The better weather brought her spring back into her step, and that worked out famously because I had things to do and people to see this morning, so I wanted to get on with it!

I, of course, have to anticipate a few pit stops when Elly is along, but she made her first at the perfect place to feature today's WOD:
Elly's off camera thanking me for not
taking her picture in a compomised
Today's W'sOD are sharing the spotlight as, up the road, in some very welcomed shade (nice weather becomes uncomfortable when you're running, I'm just letting you know), the Morning Glories were still sleeping:
Shhh ... It reminded me of the book The
Napping House where every section ended
with, "... where everyone was sleeping."
And, down the road and across the way to grandmother's house we go, there was this lucious batch of whatever-they-ares just screaming my name:
A color so awesome I could eat it.
Today's route was the one with the stretch that tends to scare Elly, but she was very brave today. No sideways skipping, no cutting me off ... ahh ... I do like uneventful runs!
"I aim to please, mommy."
"Now, if you'll excuse me ..."
I picked this particular route in part because it has the most 3-mile promise for money, and we turned up empty. Total drag!! But, I shouldn't complain given the weather, the company and the ability to get up and head out for three miles before carrying on with the day (so much different from almost throwing up during my first 5K, I am just sayin'.)!

Every run deserves a little celebration, so into the self-imposed winner's circle we go for a pic!
Happiest, sweetest dog E.V.E.R!!!
... or, two ...
"Aww, shucks, mommy!"
Tomorrow's Friday, so we what? We whuuu-whuuuuuuuuuut ?! We rest, baby!! Saturday's run is for 11 miles, so you bet I'm all over the Rest Day tomorrow!! I'll see you then!

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