Tuesday, May 8, 2012

An Unexpected Mani-Pedi

Rest Day means pampering, right? Well, it should even if it doesn't. (Ever!) But, sometimes, a little pampering is necessary ... Check out Elly's mani-pedi!
Oh, yes, you're seeing that correctly. I'm filing Elly's nails! The bottom line is there is an inverse relationship with the number of miles I run as opposed to Elly's (oh, yes, I just said inverse relationship for those who thought I never paid attention in math! Let's not forget yesterday's discussion about averages and ratios ... so, there ...). So, the farther I go, the less she goes. I know she's disappointed to not always join me, but I'm very certain she gets over it as soon as she hunkers down for yet another morning nap.

However, my increase in daily miles has put a damper on keeping her nails trimmed. We have never -- not even once -- since adopting her had to trim her nails because running with me keeps them trimmed down (except for the duclaws ... it would be quite a trick to keep those trimmed while running, don't you think? And, it would be quite a site. A site I'd probably get questioned about. By authorities.). And, as insinuated in my tag line, some days, keeping them trim was the only thing that got me to go out and run when I first started.

Well, times have changed, and we needed a solution to the problem. Cutting them all is just not going to happen. Between Elly's non-compliance with the matter and my crawling out of my skin just waiting for her to yelp is a one-two punch into loserville around here. Inspired by that battery-operated nail thingy that files down nails (seriously, can't remember its name) but being way to cheap to invest in something run on batteries (cha-ching in the bad way! I mean, come on ... how excited am I when I find a penny? Yeah, then I'm gonna love paying to replenish batteries ...), I thought I'd go old school with the emery boards. They were 88 cents for 15 ... and, they worked!!!

It took some time to file them all, but I'm a patient gal. Elly's patient, too. She put up a little resistance at first, but that's more because she was being contrary about being controlled. Once she gave up her futile fight, I watched her doze on and off while I filed away. That's pampering.

Let's hear it for success!! I intend to continue the successful streak tomorrow with a great morning run. I do not, however, intend to continue using mathematical vocabulary. See you after the run!

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