Happy Weekend!! After a week full of trials and tribulations, this run was a great way to start off the weekend!! Before getting to that, today's scene started off even better than just the run. I was in the kitchen stretching (because I had just filled my water bottle and thought, "I'll just plop down here," that's why ...) when PC#3 wandered over with his just-woke-up eyes and sleepy smile. He said hello and nothing else when he plopped down in my lap. Did I just say I was stretching? Yeah, I did, and I was. That seemed to not matter. To either of us. My stretching had much to be desired this morning, but I got to start the day with a major hug fest!
As impatient as I can get with stretching, I didn't finish. I could have, but I didn't. I'd hit the major areas and figured, if need be, I'd just slow down and let my muscles warm up. It's a strategy I just don't mind using now and then!
I didn't finish my stretching, but I did remember to get half a banana before heading out. I little gas in the tank particularly with the combination of more miles + heat is wise!
Just the way I love 'em ... still a little green but not too green!
So very yummy! Half now, half after! |
My wisdom (I love when I'm wise) continued as the route I plotted for today purposely maximized shade. It was nearing 80 degrees and only 7 a.m. It was going to be a hot one!
It was also a profitable one! See?
Ba ... |
Da ... |
Bing?? I don't even care how this happened, it was fun to find!
I did find 2 other pennies in tact, too. Cha-ching! |
It was also mighty pretty:
LOVE these weeds! |
These were cool ... they were waist high! You know, if this were
a puzzle, it would be a can-kicker ... |
What a great hidey hole! It was probably home to the many
bunnies I saw running around here. I didn't picture them because
I'm currently mad at them. Remember when I said they're cute
when they're not eating my garden? Yeah, you can do that math. |
Yoo ... hoo ... where for art thou, goslings? |
This lake was around the 5-mile mark which is when my legs really started to burn. Unfortunately, it wasn't in a good way. They were just
tired. I've had a great week physically in both running and turning my resistance training up a notch for the lower body, but, while all of that is good, I can't ignore the cumulative effect of the week. (I remember when PC#3 was a toddler -- he wouldn't eat many different foods, and our doctor told us, "Don't look at the day, look at the
whole week." Early advice reapplied this morning!)
Since it was here where my legs yelled, "
REST, PLEASE," I stopped for a minute right at the lake to have a couple of grapes and a lot of my water. I was hoping to find the geese family, but only one of the parents was visible sqwaking off in the distance. Warning me, I'm sure. But, I wasn't impressed as far away as it was! I saw the lady duck from a few weeks ago but no sign of the male. I decided she was having a mom's-morning-out stroll around the lake (hoping that beautiful mallard didn't turn out to be a love-'em-and-leave-'em kind of duck). And, I finally saw one of the creatures that plop into the lake when I run by but can never spy! I've been wondering if they're frogs or turtles. The verdict? Frogs! By pure luck, I got to see one Superman himself through the air before disappearing under the water. It was fabulous. I was also a wee bit jealous ... did I mention it was hot?!
After a couple of minutes, I picked the pace back up and headed home. My legs appreciated the rest, but I did take another couple of walk breaks through the 6th mile. I decided that was the day's interval training!
Eh, whadda ya do? Lemonade from the lemons, baby! |
I did finish and in good time. I totally expected to come strolling in the house with everyone wondering where the heck I'd been after screwing around so much (yay for screwing around!). But, I was totally wrong. No one even knew I came home, and, as it turned out, I came in only 5 minutes later than I expected of myself. I love when that happens! Seriously: resistance training = working ... but I still have to crack the code about how to do it so everything compliments each other instead of competes ... I'll get that figured out.
So, here's the (word-of-the-day) cumulative picture of the scores:
BROKE THE $3 mark, baby!!! But, my
insistance on higher miles is making catching
the money-for-miles thing harder to do.
Challenge: Accepted! |
And, after a lovely shower, we headed out to get a bagel. I very much enjoy a bagel after a run. An everything bagel and a Diet Coke. I was craving a margarita. I had a Diet Coke.
See you tomorrow on Total Rest Day!! Holy moly, that sounds awesome!!
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