Friday, August 19, 2011

Rest Day Rituals

‘Totally wasn’t kidding about taking rest days seriously. In all seriousness, they do matter to allow your body to physically recover from all of the work you’re doing no matter what that work is. For me, they also give me days to look forward to not *having* to do anything! (yeah!!!) I pretend such things as playing in the pool or playing 4 square aren’t exercise on those days, otherwise, I might not do them. (Oh, you don’t think 4 square is much exercise? Have you played it with the youngest member of the Pit Crew?)
I take rest days further, though, and have established some rituals* (*subject to change when I decide something else is more fun). Currently, on the Eve of Rest, the hub and I get our evening reality tv fix on while I enjoy some popcorn (not allowed on Run Eves; gotta temper the raging popcorn beast somehow) and Diet Coke from the gas station fountain (*really* not allowed on Run Eves ... I need to run in the morning, not all night to the bathroom).

Now, that’s a winning combination I can look forward to all day. In fact, I sometimes find myself thinking about it on my long runs. It goes something like this: “Mmmm ... cold Diet Cooooooookeeee ...”

And, in case you’re curious, the Run Eve banter goes something like this:

Sweetly, “Can I have some of your popcorn?”
Not sweetly, “NO!”

Take a shot at who’s who there ...

And, instead of running on this Morning of Rest, I will be running my mouth with a friend. That, too, is time well spent! Enjoy Friday! That’s what they’re for!

(Check out my mileage countdown up there in the corner of the page. Snazzy, huh? Tomorrow’s mileage: 11. No real need to think about that right now.)


  1. Nancy doesn't share popcorn. I have almost lost fingers because of it! Oldest of the pit crew!

  2. Sometimes sharing is over-rated, especially when the norm is that the short and other tall person in your house eat everything and you get what is left over.
    I thought of you this morning when I heard the thunder...hope the run was planned for tomorrow? I'll be praying.................................
