Friday, August 26, 2011

No Joke About the Diet Coke!

So, on the Eve of Rest Days, Aaron heads out to get our scrumptious, cold Diet Cokes. I walked into the kitchen last night when he returned to see this:

Can you tell we've had conversations reflecting the following?

"HEY! Quit drinking mine!"
"I was just drinking ..."
"Well, STOP because that one doesn't have as much anymore!"

It's fair to say that on any given day, the who's-who there has been interchangeable.

Treat yourself today to something fabulous! It's Friday which also means Rest Day! You earned it no matter how you got here!

1 comment:

  1. I don't ever remember not sharing the diet coke equally! At least if you standardize the amount of soda consumed by the size of the consumer.
