Monday, August 29, 2011

Oh, Yes, It's Monday

Today had MONDAY written all over it --

It began at midnight when a water main broke sucking all of the water out of our pipes. I was asleep when I heard a huge schhhhlllooooooooooop! from our toilet. It was loud like I've never heard not in relation to a big storm. One cat fled for cover under the bed, the dog bravely bolted into the hallway, and the other cat went to take on the toilet monster. It sounded like we were about to get hauled into the vortex and pulled into the underground world of sewer systems. After calling whomever it is we call for such things and found out it was a water main and not just us, it was back to sleep for me -- until the water returned at 2:30 a.m. with the same ferocity as it left. A disruptive sleep is always a great way to start the day!

So, I was tired and not feeling it at all when I took out for the morning run. I kept the beloved puppy pace in mind so as not to set out too fast. Mid-morning was going to come whether I ran or not. I preferred it come with a run behind me.

It was an aromatic run to say the least punctuating the fact that it is, indeed, Monday. That garbage truck that passed had been on its route for a very long while. Cigar smoke travels quite a distance out of a passing car. The breeze that cooled me going one way did nothing more than waft the smell of me right into my face when I went the other. And, squirrels lacking the brains to avoid being hit by cars smell way worse than Saturday's parade of dead frogs.

In fun news, though, I've learned that I not only break for money, I also break for real estate fliers. May you, too, find fun surprises (that don't stink) in your path today!

1 comment:

  1. OK, what in the world is that a picture of? The tallest of the puppy paced pit crew
