Monday, August 22, 2011

A Foiled Finish

This morning's run was actually a really great one in that (a) it was outside and not on the mean machine, and (b) it was on a route I've not run in months. It was kind of like meeting up with an old friend (but not really like that at all because I like to sit and talk with my friends, and there was none of that going on).

What was cool, though, is that this route used to greatly intimidate me given it's hills (that used to look like mountains) and the time it took me to run (particularly because of the hills). But, this morning was good and I was cruising along into the home stretch (which happens to be up a hill), and BAM! BOULDER IN THE SHOE!

True, I tend to have a flair for the drama, but you know exactly what I'm talking about when I call whatever it was in my shoe a boulder. Those suckers hurt!! And, yes, I saved it and brought it home to show you. I'm not only dramatic, but I'm also a dork.

Anyway, this thing lodged itself into my shoe without warning, and I stopped cold. There was a day I would have tried to just finish because I wanted to prove to myself that I could, indeed, finish. Now, whatever! I'm not running with a boulder in my shoe!

The biggest bummer? It happened right before passing one of those solar "Your Speed" signs. If I am in the right spot, it picks up my speed which I find fabulous! Today, though, it was still flashing "25" for the car that had just passed me. Um, that's not my speed ...

With that, I go on with my day. A happy, boulder-free Monday to you!

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