Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Here We Go Again -- Rest Day!

Yahoo!! You know what day it is!! But, I really do feel the need to explain my schedule here --

After spending at least a year (and previous spurts throughout the years) ordering myself to exercise 5 days a week no matter what because that's what you're supposed to do, I came upon a schedule like I'd never before seen, and it came in the form of last year's half marathon training. (*important to note: check out my disclaimer below as I officially recommend nothing and merely relay what I do; use it if it works and is good for you, otherwise, blow it off entirely!)

Okay, back to my story: In short, the running schedule to prepare for the run entailed running 4 days a week. Period. Four. FOUR! (Are you supposed to use the others for cross-training? I suppose you could on some level if you are an elite athlete ... check it out, I'm not.) The other days are for REST (again, very wise to give your body the break to chill out and rebuild muscle tissue). And, if you're Nancy, very wise in terms of not overloading to the point of exhaustion and/or burnout. Is there anything worse when exercising than to do so much that you quit only to feel demoralized and like you shouldn't bother in the first place? Can you tell I've been there my share of times? It's super.

Anyway, I'd never heard of such a thing as all recommendations I've heard are to exercise between 5 and even up to 7 -- yowza! -- days a week. Not happening here! So, I gave this new-fangaled schedule a whirl. I run Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (or Sunday instead, up to me). That's it. Granted, I have to commit to those days, or the schedule becomes Nancy's Lifetime of Rest and we're back to where we started a few years ago, but that's why I write the miles on the calendar and simply follow it.

My favorite part of it? I *always* seem to have a Rest Day to look forward to! And, you can tell I love it so much because I talk about it. In fact, my "worst" running day is always Wednesday because I have to go back out Thursday; my long weekend run isn't even my worst! Whoever came up with this schedule ranks up there in my book with the creators of artichokes and Diet Coke (not in combo, people, that would be gross).

(*Why, yes, this is what is called in the biz a "stock photo" ... leave it to me to have one in my arsenal because I really did eat those, and that really is my plate. I can't eat artichokes the night before a run, though. Too much fiber. You do the math.)

With that, I get to begin Rest Day meeting up with an old friend. And, this is an old friend for real, not like my "old friend" running route yesterday. And, unless I'm really annoying, I don't think this friend will throw boulders in my shoe. Enjoy your day whatever is on your schedule, and if you took some time to rock out with some movement, congratulate yourself on a job well done!

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