Friday, June 3, 2016

Back For National Running Day!

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 366.6 (running: 301 walking: 29.4; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 167.3  Money Found For Food Bank: $52

Suffice it to say I'm glad I'm a grown up. I don't mean that by my age, I mean that I took very intentional steps throughout my life to see what's right in front of me and to make the right decisions as needed. Had I not required myself to grow up as time afforded me, this past week would have been a disaster. Hell, this past month would have done me in.

I finally realized in the past couple of weeks that my usual adjustments and tweaks that go along with rolling with the daily flow were not going to be enough to accommodate all that has shifted in my world. Frankly, I didn't really see it coming, but I did keep my eyes open enough to know that I needed to take a number of steps back to evaluate and realign rather than slightly shift here and there. Think of it this way: There's a time to straighten up your closet, and then there's the time you must remove every, single item before deciding what is allowed to return. And, some of it simply no longer belongs.

There's nothing massive going on. It's just another time of year where schedules not only shift but look nothing like any previous year. So, I have no template. I'm just making it up as I go. All the while, in the Spring, I took on a new job which I have not done in almost two decades. Oh, and I kept the job I had. And, some days, I can't see myself coming or going, but I am glad I put myself out there. I guess I could have seen this upheaval of my days coming given I am the one who applied for the job, but I'm so used to having things under general control that I forgot I would have to step back and realign.

Realignment meant taking running off the calendar to give me some breathing room. My goal was to step back into it on National Running Day. And, so we did:
It was like a gift to me to have a concrete day to aim for to lace back up, and I took full advantage of that! Once running was off the calendar, it was also completely off my mind. I used every bit of that time to get myself back on track with new life pieces in place, all pieces in a better order. Say it with me: Ahhhhh ...

It's been 8 days since my last run. Given how much I packed that time, it feels like much longer (until I looked, I thought it had been two full weeks). It was nice to get out there, though. I felt much better than I expected, the three of us were in good step together, and Elly was just as contrary as she always is:
"That's because I remain AMAZING."
My hiatus was needed, but I now need to step back into the running routine. I think I've done what I can do to get my little world in enough order to operate without excluding something I highly value. Besides, Pit Crew #2 and I have some medals to earn this Summer; that's not happening by not hitting the streets!

To that end, we plan to run tomorrow! Rain is in the forecast, but we're going unless there is thunder! Here's to National Running Day and to the last stop in the mid-year reset! Do what you need to keep yourself aligned and sane, and we'll check in tomorrow from our morning run!

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