Sunday, June 26, 2016

The A Word

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 415 (running: 341.6 walking: 34.8; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 180.3  Money Found For Food Bank: $55.03

Summer 2016 Ultimate Pool Volleyball Championship - Best of 101:
Me: 17 Pit Crew #2: 11

I remember learning the word 'acquiesce' because I remember loving how it sounds. Say it with me: acquiesce ... I hate the word, though. Put into practice, it's hardly ever a good thing.
That word popped into my mind on yesterday morning's run. Pit Crew #2 headed out in 73-degree weather, but it felt much, much worse. We were stocked with water, and I already put the kibosh on any form of speed particularly during the first mile while we gaged what we were dealing with. It didn't take me long to realize this wasn't going to be a strong one. It was just going to be a complete one.
Just after the first mile, I called for the first walk break. With just over four miles (and the rest of the day) to go, I knew the extent to which I needed to pace myself. The air was thick, and, honestly, the run was already pretty miserable.
Once we resumed, I looked ahead on our long stretch and stated where I knew I'd run before wanting to again walk. I wanted to warn PC#2 because I wasn't really sure she'd be thrilled with stopping again so soon. At least she'd have a heads up. The short of the story is that almost immediately after we stopped at my target, she didn't want to just take a walk break. She wanted to step to the side of the road and just stop for a minute. By my visual, she needed a minute to recover.
I couldn't help but ask her if she actually wanted to stop earlier than we did. Fortunately, she confirmed that she really wanted to stop just short of where I said we would. I say it is fortunate she told me so we could have an honest conversation about what it means to be a running partner rather. And, a good partnership is not one where the other acquiesces.
Given the extremity of the weather and how very badly these conditions can catch up and bite a person, I jumped right on the platform of raw honesty about how she feels. I reminded her that I never ask her permission to walk; I just state it. I also reminded her that she has the safest running partner in the world to just claim what she wants or needs. My response is going to be, and has always been, "Okay. Cool." That's a partnership.
As we went onward, jogging and walking as needed, she ended up thanking me a number of times for my willingness to stop. Given my own perspective on this gig, thanks was far from necessary. I want honesty in her assessment of herself. I want both of us to be safe. And, I want this as enjoyable as possible. I do not want to go along one way only to find out my partner needed something else entirely. That just sucks.
I told her to never acquiesce. Certainly not to me. Following one of her many statements of thanks, I told her, "I'll make you a deal. When I'm working toward the Olympic trials, I won't invite you along. Until then, we're in this together."
Suffice it to say we'll be in this together for the duration!
Oh, and with about a mile to go, we found a sprinkler!!!
It all ended up as it should be. In it together.

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