Monday, May 23, 2016

The Most Primal of Muscle Memory

Today’s Numbers: Nancy's Total Movement Mileage: 360 (running: 295.9 walking: 27.9; biking: 36.2) Elly's miles: 165.3  Money Found For Food Bank: $51.89

On today's run, I received a lesson in muscle memory. But, I'm not talking about the muscle memory that, for instance, kicks in when running the same route over and over to the point the body starts to adjust to hills with relative ease simply because it knows they're coming. Now, I'm totally on board with that muscle memory because it often makes me feel studly, but that wasn't today's message.

Rather, today, before I even hit my first mile, my body was saying, "Ohhh ... yeahhhh!! THIS is what it is to keep moving!" While Saturday's run was better than expected after the unfortunate two-week break, I knew I'd have a few runs that felt less than stellar while getting back in the swing! Today perfectly exemplified what I knew to be coming!

I can't complain, though, as it was a beautiful morning and the perfect pace to bring Elly. She even got to lead a few times today, so you know she was feeling like a super star! She stopped to bask in the carpet of rose petals she decided were placed just for her and her greatness:
She was feeling her oats when we came near a slew of squirrels, too:
It's there in the upper-right corner. It looks
super intimidated, too, doesn't it? hahaha ...
Elly acted all kinds of ready to chase and pounce. She had her best perky ears on letting me know she was anxious to take off:
It's my fault she lost her cool-hound points today. I'd worry about it if she had a pack of friends making fun of her, but, she just doesn't. And, like I want her to catch a squirrel? First of all, Eww. Second of all, let's flash back to exactly two weeks ago when we got her pearly whites all polished! We'll pass on the squirrel ...

For as well-or-not as this run went, at least it went! I was pleased about that even if I could only really consider this a run-ish!

It's a break tomorrow as the tooth-polishing theme continues! It's my turn! The forecast for the week is iffy, so I'm playing Wednesday by ear! I'll check in with the verdict! I hope your week started off just the way you wanted!! Mine sure did even if there is an -ish on the end of that run!

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