Good day, sunshine!
Hello, 6:30 a.m. sun ... I don't tend to see you ... |
I think "Good day, sunshine!" every time I head out for an early morning run when I first see the sun, but I can't stand the song of the same name ... makes for a challenge in my head to over-write the lyrics and push 'em out. Today's song bringing on success? "Pour Some Sugar On Me." Thank you, Def Leppard ...
See the issues I sometimes have running? It's a tricky little sport sometimes, I'm telling you.
It's trickier still when I intended to make this run the one to decide whether or not to register for the upcoming Half Marathon opportunity, and the end of the story is: Still No Decision! Here's how it unfolded:
I knew just the route I wanted to use for these 10 miles; it has promise of good scenery and is challenging without killing myself. Then, late last night, I had the brainstorm to run it backward (not literally, that would make me fall down). I decided to flip it "just because." What I didn't really think through was how many of the hills are strategically in good places going one direction, but they're more than a nuisance going the other. Whoopsie. But, the upcoming Half course is very challenging, so, in truth, this on-a-whim decision probably served me very well.
Okay, so I totally cruised the first three miles without issue. At that point, I reminded myself of when that wasn't even possible. So,
mini celebration for me, and I continued on my way. Then, mile 4 provided me with some fun!
These two cracked me up. The one in the back kept honking
all the way across the street. I found that very smart. Cars do,
why not geese in the road? (By the way, that little hill? Ouch!) |
And, there's our friend Mallard. I was hoping to see him today! |
For this route, I go up and around this street, then I turn around to hit it again. Boy, was I rewarded for the turn around! Look!
Just when I thought this was the same pair as before, I noticed
the original couple on my right. These on the left had a family! |
Honking all the way across. Bravo for safety! (I think I enjoyed
this more than those in the cars stopped going both ways!) |
How cute is that? My favorite is all the way over to the left.
The one with his head under water. I know there's one in the
middle with his head under, but the one on the left is just
going for it! |
I was able to get close enough to only be hissed at but not so
close either adult wanted to attack. I can't imagine how much
it would blow to get attacked by a goose. That would probably
make my running-this-Half decision easier, though ... What a
great reason. "Well, you see, I was attacked by a goose ... no,
really, I was ..." |
This kind of thing totally reinvigorates me! (Seeing the babies, not the thought of goose attacks)Maybe it's because it's just so darned cool, or maybe it's because I stopped running for a minute! Either way, how totally fun to have this happen along the way!
Full of viewing pleasure and flush with cash after
finding a dime on this stretch, I started back up realizing I really did need to keep on keepin' on if I was going to finish any time soon! Onward I went, and I even saw my friend out running! You know the one ... the one I saw back in March, and
when I stopped to say "hi" I slipped off a curb. Nice! No stopping today! We kept it at waving today!
Soon after all of the goodness, I started to feel it coming. My legs were clearly getting tired, and I immediately started to wonder if I was doing the right thing considering this upcoming Half. I could just feel the uncertainty hitting me. It wasn't so much that I was doubting myself, it was really just a matter of figuring out if I was genuinely physically ready to take on another Half so soon. Keeping in mind my main priority is to not hurt myself, I take this question really seriously.
The thing is, making that decision right in the moment --
the first moment -- I felt uncertain is a big mistake.
If I stopped every time I felt uncertain or even felt tired, I'd never keep going. Right when I passed mile 6, I had an opportunity to regroup. It was there where I could turn right and keep on the route I'd mapped, or I could turn left and get home faster. Turning left would also seal the deal that the upcoming Half is not a possibility as I'd be messing too much with the training miles I use.
That way means I keep on going ... and
there's a hill I hate over there. Yowza... |
But, I'm not going to know if I don't try ...
darn it all!!! |
So, I took off going right (onward with the plan!). After about 10 steps, I stopped. I turned around with every intention of heading home when I stopped at the same corner, turned around again, and continued on with the planned route. I just couldn't see making this decision in the moment. I'm not that impulsive in my life in general (take that impulse-at-the-counter buys!), so why start now?
Just around the corner of mile 6 is a steep incline, and I chose to walk up it. It was here my calves started aching (in that
we're-warning-you way ... I've learned what to listen to and what I can work through, and my calves are not only pretty bossy, but they
make me pay when I don't listen!), so a little walk was both refreshing and required. I spent that time working to switch my brain from decision-making mode to rethinking mode. The moral of rethinking mode is that I remembered I originally wanted two long runs behind me before deciding about this Half option. Not one.
Two. I still have time for another to truly evaluate how things are cranking.
Sticking with the original, thought-out strategy seemed the most wise of all options. And, I felt great about it!
This run then shifted to a just-finish situation, and that was just fine! In truth, I was still having a good time so why ruin it with the pressure?! I was, though, getting hot, my calves traded cramp warnings with my toes (
oh, yeah ... that's an awesome sensation! And, not at all painful when going up a hill!
Thanks, toes!),
and I ran out of water!
Didn't I just pass a gas station where I could have filled this?!
Yeah, I think I did! Great planning! Grrrr ... |
I also ran out of giving a hoot if I was walking or running, so I rested my grouchy muscles and walked a stretch. There was a day I would have berated myself for doing so. Today,
not at all!
Thumbs up to the walk break and just moving on!! |
I alternated running and walking for the last mile, and my toes in particular thanked me for it. And, look what I came across on the way:
I've seen all kinds of mess on the road, much of which seems
to be the aftermath of late-night weekend munchies. I'd love to
know just who thought fish sticks would do the trick ... |
Upon my arrival home, the entire Pit Crew was right inside. I said hello but didn't smile because I was pretty whipped. Aaron asked, "How'd it go?!" to which I replied, "It hurt!" and I kept going toward the water! I heard PC#3 ask, "How far did she go?" Aaron told her which is when I heard PC#3 give a low "Woahhh" grunt. To be honest, that understanding is a little validating after a tough one!
So, there's no official decision about the Half Marathon, and that's all good! I know I need that next long run. I also noticed my time when I returned home today, and it ended up taking me only 7 minutes longer than planned to finish these miles even after walk breaks and let's-ponder-this breaks and birdie breaks. That indicates to me this is totally doable, I just have to get really clear on what I'm wanting to accomplish and what I want to give to get it! That's a great spot to be in -- yet again, I get to determine the outcome.
I am totally the boss of my running!
In the meantime, I share with you my super scores of the day ...:
Two rounds of silver bling ... ba-da-bing! |
... and two of the reasons my current decision will ultimately be pretty easy to make because I know it will be supported no matter what:
"We'll support whatever you decide, Mom! Right now, we're
just glad that you smell better than you did an hour ago!" |
Tomorrow's Rest Day! That rules! I have fun stuff to show you, so I'll see you then!