I just realized that I will be running my Half Marathon on my 60th day of running in 2012. While that doesn't mean a whole lot, it was fun to see that it was a nice, round number!
You know what's not a nice round number but is still totally cool? Six! Oh, yes, you know why:
"Sing a song of six cents ..." (Yes, I know
those aren't the words but they're more
fun this way. And, I'm six cents richer.) |
It's nice to be less than a quarter mile into the run and already find more cents than miles I'm about to complete! Today's 4 miles was the longest run remaining before the big one. I love how this training schedule is designed because so many miles have lead up to this day, but the whole week prior is pretty chill. The real work has already been put in; this week is just to maintain. And, evidently, find money!
I spent a lot of this run reflecting on my very first official 4-mile run because I realized I did it almost exactly two years ago! That was a seriously long 4 mile run. It felt like 10. I looked like it afterward, too. See?
I have no idea how to spell heaving-gasping breath noises, but
if I did, they'd be right here under my side of the picture. |
That's my friend Woody with whom I've run a number of official events. He would tell you he was out of breath after this one, but I'm hear to tell you his was of the normal variety while I was
gasping. Oh, and my gasps started within the first mile (no lie!). He was a great running partner for me starting out because he was so very supportive of my pace, my cranking, my trying-to-hide-my insecurities and my victories no matter what they were! While out this morning, I was thinking of the many layers of support I surrounded myself with from the beginning ... my family, friends who run or don't ... and, most importantly, really thought about on how they have stuck around through this adventure with me. In some cultures, the standard is that it takes a village to raise a child. In my world, I have leaned on a village so I could embrace and succeed at something I never thought I would even try.
Why isn't there a more glorious way to say THANK YOU?!?!?
In the meantime, I have to share ... In the spirit of the upcoming Half, yesterday, I put together a cd of songs that bring out that inner funk and make me want to groove (I don't do music
while running, but before and after is perfect for me). The song selection made one of the Pit Crewers get on down, too:
It's Rest Day tomorrow!! Another report is coming from the kitchen, so tune in! I'm pretty excited!!
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